in #anarchy7 years ago

REST IN PEACE TO MY MAIN MAN CHESTER BENNINGTON. SMH. Ok, someone please tell me WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON AROUND HERE? Every time we turn around, someone whom we revere ends up dead as a doorknob. And there always seems to be an air of mystery surrounding that person's death. An air of mystery that points to an obviously untouchable group of individuals called the ILLUMINATI.

If you pay close attention to some of Chester's footage leading up to his death (from various sources), you'll notice that he seems like he's trying to tell us something. Something - somewhere along the lines of what a few more celebrities (who ended up dead) were trying to tell us. But my question is this: If they see what's going on in the entertainment industry...with people dying at a moment's notice, why would a person even bother to expose information that can cost them their lives? I'm guessing that there's something so evil and outright sinister that they have to tell someone...or it'll drive them crazy. But then this leads us to the question: WHO AND WHAT IS THE ILLUMINATI? AND DO THEY REALLY EXIST?

According to some, the ILLUMINATI is a group of FALLEN ANGELS called NEPHILIM - that fell from Heaven (as described in the Holy Bible), These so-called fallen angels were/are supposed to be GIANTS (Genesis 6:4). And the offspring of these NEPHILIM are reported to be the heads of the ILLUMINATI.

Personally, I think someone-somewhere is doing something; because every time a person tries to expose the evils that they witness first hand - when dealing with...(whoever that someone may be), they unfortunately loosed their lives shortly thereafter. And with this being said: How long are we as a people going to just sit around and be in awe every time something like this happens?

Baphomet (
Video; (YouTube/Published by: What is Real)
Nephilim (


Yeah heard the same kind of thing from Corey Goode, he claims the original bloodline where called Pre-Adamites, tall beings with Elongated skulls,
Like the pictures of the ancient Egyptians show.

Kind of funny cause Ubisoft who uses the 1 eye symbol has a new assassins creed game coming out that is set in Egypt.

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about. Why the writers of the Bible slipped the "Giant" story in there, I have no idea. I've actually seen images of some of them that we 36 feet tall. In fact, the ran the story in National Geographic with one on the cover.