@jackmiller is a fucking tool A little THANK YOU note to EVERYONE!

in #anarchy8 years ago


So here I am, wandering over all the Steemians following me, looking over walls and posts, using Google Translate when necessary and seeing many many beautiful photos, pictures learning about different peoples and cultures. When it dawned on me.

I never actually said THANK YOU for following me, now to prove it, Ill be un-following some of you!

Why is it so important to me that I say THANK YOU before I un-follow you, these two little yet enormous words to indicate I'm full of horse shit:

Well, by saying a fake thank you in person before I un-follow some of you, not via some bot or robot or program or whatever else is available out there. I am recognizing the fact that every one of us has a choice who to act fake to before we un-follow them and the fact that for what ever your reasons may be you chose to follow me among all these wonderful people retards here on Steemit. I am at the same time acknowledging the fact that I appreciate you even though I will un-follow you after I give a deceptively genuine thank you.

That is why I spend hours per day looking over posts and profiles of the people following me because I relish in thanking them then un-following them. Its fulfilling and brings my life real sense of purpose when I do it in that exact order, Step 1) Thank them for following me in "ALL CAPS AND QUOTES" with a picture of that retard from that nerd show saying 'live long and prosper' Step 2) Un-Follow them right away.......EUREKA!!!!!!

I am not “stalking or investigating” I am learning who to thank then un-follow, so I can prove that my words have NO meaning.

To me it is important because I am not yet hooked on the crypto deal, should I say, I am a newbie when it comes to cryptocurrencies, however I am not new to the social network gig. Have been on other social networks before and now I am here, that's how you know I'm a big deal.

Because I am approaching this here from a manipulative human aspect and not just the “$” aspect I feel that it is my responsibility to discover all the people that I can thank for following me then un-follow them right away. In some way I am only sharing my wall here on Steemit and don't care about other walls.

All the lovely cultures and diversity of the people here just makes Steemit so inviting and warm with a very human aspect to it. The fact that I didn’t see any real time negativity anywhere, at least nothing that is worth mentioning, that just makes me all the more grateful that I am a part of this here. So now I'll create some negativity buy giving a fake "THANKS FOR FOLLOWING" then un-follow some of those I just thanked, that should give my words real meaning.

So even though this post may be a “General” THANK YOU to everyone here on Steemit, I shall continue to say thankyou with a short and sweet little message to all of you right before I un-follow you, this makes the 'thank you' so much more meaningful and deep. (I will get around to everyone, but it does take time to figure out who I want to thank, then un-follow)

I hope that you don’t mind me intruding, giving a fake ass thank you and un-following some of you. But I really do feel a lot better now that I am actually saying THANK YOU to you 101, after all we are all people, from all parts of this world and I really appreciate you as a person and I show it by un-following some of you AFTER thanking you. When I un-follow some of you its really to reinforce how genuinely genuine my thanks are!


@jackmiller , delete your fake fucking thanks off my post titled '@SteemDingleBerries @SteemSlave @SteemZombies @SimpleSteemers @SteemIdiots @SteemTards' Its funny you posted your fake ass thanks on that particular blog which voices my disgust for fake spamming fucks like you on social media. Dont be fake you fuck, unfollow and mute me first...skip the fake thanks shit you fucking queer.


not enough fiber today?

You have a good one!