RE: As long as it's voluntary & non-aggressive, who gives a damn how others live? (a response to @pomperipossa's "So, you're an anarchist?")
"But despite these shrill denials, the truth is that there is no more of a debate on the safety of GE crops than on reality of climate change, the scientific consensus on which all these same green groups aggressively defend. And the irony goes deeper: many of the strategies now being employed to demonize GMOs come straight out of the climate denialist playbook. There's the same promotion of false 'no consensus' statements by groups of self-appointed experts. Why, more than 300 "scientists and legal experts" signed a 'no consensus on GMO safety' statement last year, Greenpeace reminds us. That sounds like a lot, until you compare it with the 30,000 "American scientists" who have supposedly signed a petition claiming that there is "no convincing scientific evidence" linking CO2 with climate change, which Greenpeace (rightly in my view) ignores."
here is a link on the consensus:
This part's just too funny. If they're going for consensus, it's not science.
Exactly. No evidence exists that GMOs do harm, so the only thing anti-gmos can do is challenge consensus. Its just like climate change.
Personally, I am not anti-anything, but I will not put anything in my body created by Monsanto or their ilk, I will not give them any of my time, money, or other energy, and I will continue to grow & eat only heirloom plants.
Consensus =/= Science
Climate change is a perpetual state that the Earth is in, the push by governments to use it as an excuse to grow their power and the ridiculous arguments from both sides are, again, not related to this conversation.
alright well it doesn't matter because with that I no longer value any future conversation.
"Climate change is a perpetual state that the Earth is in, the push by governments to use it as an excuse to grow their power and the ridiculous arguments from both sides are, again, not related to this conversation."
its the most simple fucking scientific concept
The science is so basic it literally equivalates too, elements that do not allow energy to escape keep more heat in the system. How is that so hard to understand.
And yet you keep on talking..