On Anarchy

in #anarchy4 years ago (edited)

It seems that we should abolish the state. It seems that every passing day, we reach a new extreme that brings into question the states authority (or lack there of). I am not one to pass judgement on people, but I am not fond of the current administration nor am I particularly pleased with the alternative options. Here I would note that I do not intend to provide sources or any particular dogma--I simply wish to convey a mood (or rather a frustration).

Now one might say that opting for anarchy is a tad extreme, and to that I would respond: well, yes it is. I am not going argue for a particular type of anarchy nor will I endorse any specific movement. I simply wish to express my exhaustion with the current status quo. The police brutality, the endless war, the bureaucratic bloat, and the ever increasing opacity of our "democratic" institutions. I understand that this is coming off as rather dreary, but I 'm in a rather dreary mood.

The state (and the mega corporations propped up by the state) are shameless in their defense of the system as it exists. It seems to me that in light of their unabashed greed and brutality, that we the people should meet them with an equal and opposite force tearing down what they have so carefully built up block by block. I feel suffocated by surveillance, stifled by "status quo", and saddened by the somber state of things.

This said, a point of solace for me is the idea that we could establish and live in a society free from repression. That there exists a future of a purely voluntary fashion--with out coercion and exploitation. It would be nice, so I would say to the reader strengthen your communities, cherish your loved ones, and pray for anarchy.

Have a nice night.