I'm an Anarchist Rooting for Trump...somebody call me a doctor!

in #anarchy8 years ago

I feel like I'm jumping into the snake pit here, but what the hell. During the last election, I was deep in the anarchist bubble and didn't even bother paying attention. I'm looking a little closer this time. What really peaked my interest at first was to hear Trump talk about radical Islam - closing borders to those deemed a threat and so on. All you hear from politicians is how peaceful Islam is. I've been studying Islam and geopolitics for a while now and knowing what I know about that and the globalist agenda, I've come to the conclusion that elements of the government in America and especially Europe are allowing Muslim refugees in to destroy white western society. So far, they've been getting their way. Europe is already a mess and it just started. Clinton on the other hand has called to increase the importation in the U.S. by 500%. That simply can't happen.

I'll admit, philosophically, I'm dead in the water on this one. I don't really want to take this position. When Trump says shit like, "Don't we love our police and military?", I'm like no, they're order following gutter trash... But in all truth, practicality is smacking me in the face. 

We all know the vast majority of people are philosophical infants who couldn't reason their way out of a chuck e cheese. So its clear they aren't ready for a stateless society. As an anarchist movement, that doesn't mean don't fight the fight. I'm not saying that at all. What I'm saying is that we have a war to win and sometimes strategy is more important than running headlong into the cavalry or giving up completely. And since the state isn't going anywhere in the near future, if the circumstances are right, we can use that to our advantage; buy us some time; create a better environment that will allow philosophy to keep growing. 

Evil is evil, but there are still degrees of severity. The state can range anywhere from the colonial Stamp Act to George Washington riding down on the Pennsylvanians to collect his whiskey tax, to the Bolsheviks doing their thing. The threat of violence is always there, but it's not always in your face. What I see in a potential Trump presidency is a bridge. If a shred of benevolence can be installed into the existing framework, perhaps these order followers can be used for a bit of good in some ways. Maybe make the economy a little better, stop completely draining the resources of the country, strip away this pc nonsense, reduce globalism, end nation building; all things he has addressed. I've read a couple of his books; The Art of the Deal and Crippled America. He seems like a person that feels like he's a failure if he doesn't accomplish what he says he will. His entire career has been about getting things done and to do that and remain reputable, you have to keep your word and do great work. I think his buildings and his company reflect that. 

As far as the election goes, here are a couple major points that are making me take notice:

Trump: Strict immigration: you cant have open borders and well fare at the same time etc
Clinton: not so much

Trump: renegotiate the nation's trade deals
Clinton: double down by adopting TTP.

Trump: special interests out of politics
Clinton: She might as well be wearing a NASCAR suit with all her corporate sponsors 

Trump: Ally with Russia, destroy ISIS
Clinton: Called for a fly zone in Syria which would mean downing Russian jets and potentially starting WWIII, aided in arming and funding ISIS

Trump: Lower tax rates, simpler tax code across the board
Clinton: show me the money

Trump: From what I've seen a moral person. I can't find a significant instance of wrongdoing
Clinton: Well, there's a nice sized library on Amazon about all that

These are just a few. But, the trade deal thing alone would be an injection of life into our economic corpse. I know that morally it's wrong to support him, but I am still quietly rooting him on. I'm conflicted at the moment, I want to yell at people not to participate in the system but at the same time hoping that they do just to keep "Weekend at Bernie's" from getting into office. Yeah I don't know what's going on with that woman, but it's not good. 


But then we've got this guy...

Anyone else feeling this way right now?




we may not be where we want to be but at least here and now we have the space to speak and work toward it, compared to almost everywhere and everywhen else so far. at some level it is like picking the more benevolent slave master but would you rather have the one offering you stale crumbs or the one with her knife to your throat? just because i disagree with the state about its existence doesn't mean that i want to kick my friends and family into the toilet. if i am denied what i really want and these are the choices, even though the choice looks false, GO TRUMP.

Human destiny is to rise above this mess so at this point it's really about how the transition takes place. If I can take a path that is less destructive than others I will. I dont feel like it's selling out to be practical about the current situation. Steemit isnt going to change the world before the election.

it has already changed mine but i know what you mean. thanks for your thoughts.

i saw your video, quoting my reply. i'm sorry if i came off as sarcastic. i meant every word. i am agreeing that even though things are not perfect we sometimes have to work with what we have in front of us. i was not trying at all to disparage trump, but to comment on the unacceptability of the state, that as you correctly say, is not going anywhere. i apologize for not being clear. i'd rather have the crumbs as well, for now. in your video you said a lot of the things that i have been thinking. thank you.

Thanks for the clarification. This is a subject I'm very passionate about and I feel that its something that needs to be discussed more by the libertarian community moving forward. It's too bad no one on here seems interested in addressing it. I appreciate the feedback.

Sorry. I accidentally hit the mute button. Not sure how to reverse it...