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RE: Does Prohibition Increase Violence or Improve Wellbeing?

in #anarchy7 years ago

Prohibition never works, as it only attacks the symptom of the symptom.

If a person is abusing alcohol to console a broken heart, will the absence of alcohol stop this? No. The person will find another way to zone out. And if you ban everything, there is still asphyxiation.

What the person needs is a lot more emotional training early in life so that they have the tools to work with the broken heart when it arises. But, we pointedly avoid such training for children.

What we need at this time is support groups that actually work for our heart broken chap. Half of the support groups I know of are detrimental for the people. They often are just a gathering for others to take advantage of the emotionally unstable. Or they are worse, as in its a small cult.

So, we ignore or sabotage the real needs of our bloke, and instead try to limit the crutch they are using.

It is the same case with all things that may be prohibited.


And if you ban everything, there is still asphyxiation.

Cold and chilling point, but well made.

Sadly, we do avoid this training. I'm working hard to fix that in my family by talking about NVC and peaceful parenting.