DiggnDeeper.com Steem Community Update: Fixing the whoopsie.

in #anarchy4 years ago


You know, I really am a fairly competent copy-pasta. I've been in the "business" for 20 some odd years now. Building servers and custom operating systems were the thing before I dappled in mining and trading crypto back when it wasn't so easy. Just saying that I have pretty good digital hygiene.

Well, we all f-up sometimes.

This was my time. I created the DiggnDeeper community page and messed up saving the keys.

So, I made another one. I feel idiotic.

The new community is https://steempeak.com/c/hive-144722/created

To the few subscribers so far, please subscribe to the new community.

I swear, I have secured the keys this time.

@joeyarnoldvn, @pennsif, @steeminganarchy, I very much appreciate you subscribing. I hope you will follow me over to the new page, https://steempeak.com/c/hive-144722/created

Forward we go!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://diggndeeper.com/diggndeeper-com-steem-community-update-fixing-the-whoopsie/

According to the Bible, Bro. Eli: How many heavens are there according to the Bible?

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