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RE: Aggroed's Government Challenge - Agorist Monetarism

in #anarchy7 years ago

I don’t know who I trust less, the State or the mob. I shudder to think of my fate being dependent on what either thinks or does, but unfortunately it is. I tend toward worst case scenarios. In this case, the current debt and fiscal irresponsibility leading to hyper-inflation of fiat currency followed by a global depression. That could result in political instability and ultimately war. I guess any other outcome is better than that one so I would welcome your less dismal solution.


As it is now, the State is the mob with a cloak of legitimacy. Mobs aren't all bad of course, but lack of accountability is one of their defining features, and the State preserves that characteristic. The design of government as it is now obfuscates responsibility to enable well intentioned order followers to commit acts they would consider reprehensible if undertaken by outsides to the system. Most only execute a small part of the action, so each feels no need to take responsibility for what is done. The general population enables this reckless destruction by celebrating anyone in a uniform as a hero, cheapening respect that should be earned only through consistent integrity, kindness, and strength of character.

I think most people (at least those who consider the question at all) recognize that the current pattern is unsustainable, but I've seen very few proposals for how to get off that path without an enormously destructive economic collapse and likely a major war.