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RE: Misunderstanding Liberty

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

Are you free to pursue your own economic interests without government interference?

Are you free to keep your entire paycheck?

Do you pay property taxes? (If so, you're merely renting your home from the government.)

Have you not paid attention to the number of incidents in which police kill innocent civilians?

Have you not paid attention to what's going on with the western ranchers?

Have you heard of "asset forfeiture", in which the police can seize your money just because they suspect that you might have committed a crime?

Break away from the mainstream news media, and pay closer attention to what's really going on in these United States. Then, you'll have a better understanding of what I'm talking about.


But what you guys want is absolutely fucking insane! Your thing is like, well, we'll get rid of the government and then everyone will just blow each other and when something does go wrong we'll stop blowing each other and we'll set up a voluntary group to fix it. And we'll pay those people withprivate donations.

Again I say, look at what the government is doing to us, and then explain how it is that you believe that liberty exists in this country.

You're an example of why things in this country will likely never get fixed. You, like most other U.S. citizens, have been so brainwashed that you're no longer capable of seeing the obvious, and you're no longer capable of doing any kind of critical thinking.