
So, solving the problems of political plunder through more political plunder, the exact opposite of the market process.

That's exactly the problem, who owns the market?

No one owns the market. The market is the umbrella term for the effect of people engaging in voluntary associations and exchanges and the attendant property right uses and transfers.

EDIT Government is a group of people who operate through trespassing against the rights of others through coercive force using the mythology of State legitimacy. the concepts of government and market are antithetical, and government intervention in the market is always destructive and parasitic.

a big problem in LatAm is that privatization is really just granting privileged concessions to elites. Even with a privatized firm, you still have a ton of barriers to competition from both abroad and new potential ventures domestically. Even the bureaucracies inhibit competition and favor well-connected and wealthy cronies.

Nonetheless, good point in that privatization isn't a be-all end-all solution to all of the worlds problems. Freedom, transparency, and safeguards to property rights are better objectives than privatization ...they'll result in privatization, but in a healthier environment.