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RE: Counter-Economics -- The 5-Steps to Free-Markets...

in #anarchy5 years ago

Taxation is theft.

If you want anarchy, sure you don't want any taxes. No police, no military, no public schools, just anarchy ;)
Such a system is impossible in nature. Organized totalitarian groups would take over.

... will shut down since they rely on those CEX's.

I do support bitshares. But painful truth is that apart of BTS, bitCNY there is almost nothing left to trade on bitshares. For BTC and other external coins and tokens, bitshares relies on CEXs (gateways) you dismiss so much. Thus, for now, bitshares is a hybrid DEX/CEX system.


Taxation is theft. If you don't pay it, what happens? The goons come and put you in a cage. You are being extorted, and others are voting for the other guy that will extort you more. We don't need to be extorted to get the financing that is needed for roads, schools, smartphones, security...

If you want security then hire private security, or take some kung fu lessons. If you want schools, then pay for a private school. If you want a smartphone, then find a way to pay for it. The beautiful thing about free markets and real capitalism is that private companies will compete for your business, producing a better product or service for you. Pool your funds with others and enjoy the benefits of shared resources too. I apologize if I did not explain that very well :(

Bitshares has HTLC/ACCS (atomic swaps) built-in. If more designers/devs would build use-case UI's around that, then nobody would bother with the CEX's anymore. The tools are there, you just have to make use of them. :)

I guess you have never studied physics if you think anarchy is possible. Anarchy doesn't exist in nature.

If you want security then hire private security, or take some kung fu lessons.

You PAY for kung fu lessons, you TAX yourself. But they will come with knives. You buy a knife, they will come with guns. You buy a gun, you TAX yourself. You hire private security, you TAX yourself. Sooner than later private security cartel will put TAXES on you, i.e. higher and higher security bills. Private security cartel doesn't have a NO for the answer in their dictionary.

private companies will compete for your business

Only if there are laws and enforcement to allow competition, i.e. TAXES. Every business tries to monopolize the market.

The world is not black and white, there are millions of colours! Wolves and lions PAY TAXES too. Alpha takes more risks (tax!) defending the pack and hunting, is rewarded with females and is first to eat. Others pay taxes in the form of being next in the order. Tiger is paying taxes, too - if wounded and cannot hunt, he will die; he must be alerted. and take risk himself each time when facing danger. Wolf will get fed by his friends and hunt again, another wolf can spot a bear and warn his cousin.

P.S. Can't wait for ACCS to be fully implemented in bitshares. It seems it is still in the early phases of testing.

Actually, would you agree that we were born anarchists? You don't adopt the government religion and obey your leaders until you are taught to do so.

Anarchy literally means "without rulers". Nothing more. True anarchists do not promote violence, vandalism or aggression. They live by the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP), voluntary interactions and peaceful parenting.

If you want to invent a new product and earn money from it, you should have the right to do so unabated. But, when the "leaders" you vote for tell you that you need their permission, it only gets worse from there, stifling innovation, not encouraging it.

"you tax yourself" - that is correct, I voluntarily pay a fee to buy a product or service, from the fruits of my labour. i tax myself when i plant this years radishes. i tax myself if i am forced to defend myself as well, but never aggressing.

A real beauty of free markets is that you have a choice. In an extortion system (the mkultra religion (aka government)) you will always lose your choices. The choices they grant you always end in tyranny and death. Always.

In a world of abundance and no more false-scarcity, security no longer becomes such a requirement. So the "my gun is bigger" argument is null when funds can no longer be stolen from the people (think decentralised cryptos, multisig etc). We all have enough at that point and anyone who comes along and tries to get you to agree again to be extorted will just be cut off from society. Reminds of that movie "The Village".

"Only if there are laws and enforcement to allow competition" - Why do you want any laws to allow you to compete? That is your human right. Just like in nature. You build a cool water bottle which you think is better than his water bottle. If the market likes yours better, they will buy it and his water bottle will disappear.

This is the very nature of true free-markets. It encourages efficiency, choices, affordability, beauty and freedom.

Monopolies form today not because their product was so much better than their competition, but because of theft, your taxes and corruption. Look into GE, News Corp, Disney, Apple and so on. Corporations and Governments have virtually become one in the same thing.

If a water bottle monopoly forms in a true free-market, it is because that is the un-coerced choice that the masses have made.