Top 10 ancarcho capitalist YouTube channels
In this list I will list from 10 to 1 the best ancap channels ,I will also say why I like them personally.
My 2 cents
The best two videos I think he has made is "the road to ancapistan" and "debunking James allsup on tariffs,Liberty or Death media
The video that liberty or Death media compiled from a bunch of larken rose audio tapes statism: the most dangerous religion, was really instrumental for me becoming a anarchist. I will be grateful for that video he made always.Bitbutter
Bitbutters video you can always leave was very instrumental in my transition to anarchism as well. That video is how you obtain justly aqquired property, I often find that when you try to people how the homesteading theory of land ownership works, one response I often get is " the warlords can take your property, it happened in the wild west!" ... Like that even had anything to do with the principles of the matter.Corbettreport
I suggest you watch all of the videos listed
9/11 - a conspiracy
OKC - a conspiracy theory
JFK - a conspiracy theory
James Corbett is one of the best truthers out there to me. I recommend you check out his website.Marc Stevens
This guy goes to the courts and argues that the government's territorial jurisdiction doesn't exist in concept and in practice. He also wrote "adventures in legal land" which is a book i would recommendThe anarchast
The anarchast is full of many famous anarchists being interviewed by Jeff berwick. The interviews often give me hope for the future (which I have been lacking lately)
4.the liberty network
This is Mr dappertons channel basically. Daps and multiple ancaps make videos on this channel together. It almost feels like a legitamite network when I am watching 2 day with my 2 cents.
Shane Killian
I am putting this channel up here mainly because of his "how to argue for" series, I find it very fun to go through as well as educational.Highimpactflix
This guy has done many top 10 lists and has viral videos up and he also has pro anarchist videos on his channel of 500000 subscribers, that is a miracle
1.Larken rose
If it wasn't for larken rose, I wouldn't be a anarchist, I would be a Paleo conservative or a libertarian. I have watched every video he has put up. His book "the most dangerous superstition" should be required reading in schools
(If we believed in that ;) )
How many of them are on Steemit?
4 I think