How Public Schools Enslave The Mind - The Indoctrination Of The Next Generation (with Holly Swanson)

in #anarchy7 years ago

how public schools enslave the mind with holly swanson thumbnail.png

In this video, I sit down with Holly Swanson, author of the book 'Training For Treason - The Harmful Agenda Behind Education For Sustainability' to talk about the insanity of the public school system and the disturbing attempt by the state to shove children into extreme collectivism, bordering on communism.

Children are taught early on within the public school system to be dependent and not ambitious. Personal responsibility is the most important part of individual liberty which children today have little knowledge of. They know they have the freedom to watch Netflix, but they don't realize the freedoms that have been robbed from them.


Young children are quite objective and sceptical before they're thrown into an indoctrination camp but once they've been fully indoctrinated, they know little and demand a lot. They become future voters. They are forced into the Marxist mindset because they are told their teachers know all and those teachers are products of the same Marxist system.

These kids then go into debt in college or university as their parents are plunged into poverty having to pay for these wasted years and next thing you know these adult children are in safe spaces playing with play-dough and stifling free speech. These adult children then leave school knowing even less and unable to get a job and they then become dependent on the state while happily paying taxes. It's truly hard to free fools from the chains they revere.

This is the same direction Germany, Soviet Russia and Maoist China went. This is the school system that brainwashed generations of past children into collectivist coercion and mindless chanting.

As Betsy DeVos is called a "Nazi" by adult children using Nazi tactics and supporting Nazi policy for calling for home schooling and individual responsibility, we know we've entered the realm of Marxist double-speak.

Will we learn? Or will we continue to produce robots for the system to absorb? It's up to you.

We thank Holly Swanson for speaking with us again! She's an incredibly smart woman and always incredibly insightful!

See the FULL video interview here:

Stay tuned for more from The Red Pill Expo in Bozeman, Montana! Don't forget to Upvote & Follow! :)

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As someone who attends a church that has the majority of the parents responsibly home schooling their own children, as they are instructed by God to take that responsibility, I am encouraged that these home schooled kids will be instrumental in reversing the indoctrination of the public schools.
Thanks @joshsigurdson for this video. Upvoted and resteemed, already following you.


Thank you very much! :)

Just the title alone was good enough for my vote :)

My thoughts exactly!

lol Thank you :P

Good job @joshsigurdson This interview hit home. I tested out in 10th grade.

Warning to any kid or parent that maybe inspired by this content. Just be prepared to be so different, in every aspect of life. I am serious, no joke. Take the red pill at that young of age and there's no coming back. The ability to think for yourself and question authority is massive. Just be prepared to be so different, not sure how else to put it.

Protect children's curiosity

Exactly. And it's a long road too! I mean, years of patience and hard work. That personal responsibility is instrumental.

hello, please follow the rulespf the group resteem to be resteemed to post there !

And when you add common core to the mix, the average child has no chance after leaving public school.

Interesting article with some valid points. I'm not familiar with the Holly Swanson, but watching the video.
I agree with you that indoctrination is a major problem, and definitely needs to be address. However it's just one of many flaws in the school system that arise from using a centuries old educational model that is completely obsolete. Yes some aspects of it have some value. Overall now it's obviously more harmful than beneficial because the methods and practices are based on extremely outdated understanding of how human beings actually learn. Here's an article that provides examples of humans (with extremely limited resources) doing great things in a school setting, to facilitate their incredible ability to learn. Thank you and keep at it.

Great post! I am 100% with you! Public schools are horrible for many reasons. So many kids leaving these schools either are going to work in a field someone influenced upon them or completely have no idea what to do with their lives.

People are taught in schools to become lil' nuts and bolts in the machine of today's society. But what if your inner child survived? Then you feel pain of existence everyday like me. I don't know how to combat the pressure anymore. Some days am fine optimistic about the future, thinking that we can easily win this, but some days everyday life just gets to me, obligations and the price for living the life that I've chose. Today was that day. I've had enough and I just wanted to run away from everything, but I didn't know where to go... I wrote about that, but no one seems to have read my post. I really wanted to spark the discussion and find some solutions.
Here it is, and I am not trying to plug my post here for upvotes, I would really like to see some productive comments, and talk to people about this common problem of us freedom fighters.

I went to private school for most of my childhood. I can tell you that even though most of my classmates were from wealthy families and our campus was brand new, the school did a great job at indoctrinating us. It's not like private schools are immune from the brainwashing and propaganda that is ever prevalent in America.

Private schools are where the indoctrination started in first place. The elite had to send their sons away at a young age, and of course the second son went to military school, it was "tradition".

What a sad situation for these kids.