Kill Your Idols: The End of Idolatry is the Beginning of True Freedom!

in #anarchy7 years ago

Video Summary:

We all go through the process of taking the journey from child to adult, necessarily trusting our first guides in life, but gradually, as we get older, learning to think for ourselves.

We initially believe in Santa Claus, etc, but soon learn it is a lie. Sadly, most go on then to believe in "State-a-Claus," and remain "idolaters" worshipping the state and assuming it is legitimate based on magical thinking and logic-less reasoning.

Statists aside, I have seen an encouraging trend in libertarianism recently, and it is akin to a massive splintering. It is as if many individuals are no longer shaping their views based on what some "celebritarian" has to say, but on their own thoughts, logic, and conviction.

I view this as a net positive. In this video I discuss the nature of idolatry, and the absolute necessity of abandoning ALL "IDOLS," libertarian or otherwise, if one would be truly free.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


Libertarians and anarchists too easily choose a specific writer or speaker as a role model without critically examining all of his or her arguments. Ayn Rand, Murray Rothbard, etc. all had some good ideas and some bad ones. Perhaps a large portion of their philosophies were sound, but there were definite problems with both of them, and they are not unique in their weaknesses.

Agree. If one is objective (or Objectivist :-) about those writers, it's clear that they had some bad ideas along with any good ideas.

Just as with anything, a blanket statement is a recipe for misunderstanding and bias. It's like when someone decries democracy because it led to crony capitalism and destroyed our economies. (Or more accurately, is currently destroying our economies.) That's part of the truth, but that doesn't mean that democracy is intrinsically bad, wrong, or evil.

The same goes for socialism. People point to the fall of the Soviet Union or to North Korea and as proof that socialism is the most horrible political system ever devised. But those systems were far from any ideal of socialism, and again, they sure do not prove that socialism is necessarily bad, wrong or evil.

The one thing we can say about Ayn Rand's writing is that it was ... bad. I've tried to read it, both her fiction and her essays, and could not get very far. In fact, I recently purchased a book about Ayn Rand the effects of her "bad writing." Link below.

nice post @kafkanarchy84

Wow great! Yes I agree with you that now a days people have "state a Claus " attitude in their mind. Without knowing that it is the key to all the confusion and conspiracy creator of any country. Liberatariyan principle is much more high principle, it is out of the reach of the common mass. You are awesome friend you make me laugh by describing the Idol worship attitude of Japan, it is not only prevail in Japan but in my country too. Thanks for the nice post and valuable video, you are looking great, have a good day friend happy steeming.

Yes! The dance group idol worship here is weird!!! It's quirt popular in India, too, eh?

Thanks for the reply, I think you have forgot me friend.Any way thanks, have a great time ahead.

Sports idols and celebrities even academic experts are for propoganda and distraction. Think for yourself

Great Job. I started 25 years ago. I killed them all including my parents and my teachers, metaphorically. I installed my mine as my king and gave him my brain as a crown. Not to follow any body until my mind gives me green light and one thing at a time. And I made sure that I control my brain and no one else. I respectfully revolted against my old self, my parent and my religion started from scratch 25 years ago. It feels so great when you do your own discoveries and keep it for you self. And share it with those who ask.

This is excellent. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for the post and video @kafkanarchy84. The brainwashing begins at an early age. Parents do it, books, and television mostly push particular agendas. Then there is school. 5 days a week from early childhood to early adulthood. The drumming of authority knows best. To go against authority makes you a bad person regardless of what your actions are. This kind of assault is difficult to break, as people are taught to follow blindly and not think for themselves.

Freedom begins when you are able to question everything you have ever been taught, This questioning should occur regardless of who said it and regardless of what book it may have come from.

Santa Claus exists !!!!

An open minded perception, cool

I agree, it is not good to idolize others.