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RE: [video] It's No Exaggeration: You Are a Free-Range Slave.

in #anarchy8 years ago

Brother, I hear you. Loud and really fucking clear. Yes, I am hoping the same thing. Lots of administrative bullshit out there chasing that plot of land and freedom? I guess the cultural phoniness is enough to do your head in either way. I know it does mine. Thanks for watching and I really hope to meet up soon.


No administrative bullshit thank God, just full-on cultural programming and massive over-exposure to government propaganda. All I gotta do is hang on 'til the beginning of next year (and hope I'm still myself at the end of it). If I can do that (and find some land and house in between), then the ball is rolling...


Ha. Ha. Sick joke, sorry. I know you will make it, man. I can't wait to see where you are next year!

頑張りま〜す.よろしくお願いしま〜す!Man, the Japanese really excell in the art of using lots of words to say basically nothing!