Fake Experience, Fake Reality (Part Three)

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

In Part One (https://steemit.com/anarchy/@larkenrose/fake-experience-fake-reality-part-one)
and Part Two (https://steemit.com/anarchy/@larkenrose/fake-experience-fake-reality-part-two)
of this series, we looked at how Americans’ perceptions of the U.S. military and law enforcement are based largely upon what Americans “experience” by watching movies, TV shows and “news” broadcasts. When, for example, someone sees one show after another depicting cops as brave and virtuous protectors, those artificial “experiences” make people actually believe that police are like that. In the real world, they aren’t.

But false impressions of reality go far beyond just the public perception of the military and police. In fact, the entire functioning and mechanism of “government” and “law,” as it really is, has almost nothing in common with the puppet show that is continually paraded in front of the general public.

For starters, the entire notion of politicians being “representatives” of the people, as if they are actually trying to serve the people, is provably false. People see the show that every politician puts on, talking to the rabble as if the politician “feels their pain,” trying to pretend to be “the common man,” with such lies constantly depicted in both campaigns and in television dramas. But the cold hard facts show the truth.

In fact, those who seek positions of power could hardly be any more obvious about the fact that when they say things in public, or on camera, they are performing, putting on a show, delivering a polished, scripted presentation. Indeed, it’s universally acknowledged that almost all politicians hire speech writers, which shows that those who seek power don’t even bother making up their own lies. Instead, they hire others to carefully calculate and craft a character who the candidate should pretend to be. And even knowing all that, the electorate still listens to the manipulative, deceptive sales pitches, and still thinks they are actually experiencing what that person really is, and really believes.

Then there is the process of “legislation,” whereby the ruling class makes up new commands and demands to be violently foisted upon the general public. And people will watch the “debates” in Congress, their eyes glued to CNN, to hear the well-reasoned and well-intentioned arguments, and to see how our honorable representatives will vote. And many of the viewers still believe they are actually watching decisions being made, and “policy” being decided.

But once again, that is utter crap. The political parasites put on a show, as convincing as a play put on by fifth-graders, after everything has already been decided behind closed doors, after votes have been bought and sold using money and influence, and lobbyists have once again purchased political whores on both sides of the aisle.

Then there is the “judicial branch” of the ruling class, which puts on a show of its own. When it comes to questions of constitutionality, a lot of people still believe the TV fairy tales about impartial judges objectively weighing facts and evidence, and applying the law equally to the best of their abilities. And again, that is an outright lie; a fable told to the masses to keep them complacent and compliant.

As one example, it is common knowledge that FDR pretty much rigged the Supreme Court with “justices” who would fabricate excuses to uphold his obviously unconstitutional collectivist “New Deal” agenda. Of course, they had to keep pretending that they were “interpreting” the U.S. Constitution, when anyone with a shred of honesty knew damn well they were doing nothing of the sort. They were doing what lawyers do best: throwing nonsensical bullshit around in the hopes of serving the interests of the people who pay them.

One of the most amazing examples was the Supreme Court case of Wickard v. Filburn in which the court ruled (and I’m not making this up; feel free to Google it) that a farmer growing and consuming his own wheat, on his own property, could be federally regulated under the interstate commerce clause. In case you missed it, let me back up and emphasize this: the case was about a farmer growing wheat, not selling it, consuming it himself, without it ever leaving his property. And FDR’s dress-wearing puppets ruled, presumably with straight faces, that such activity can be regulated by the federal government because of the interstate commerce clause of the Constitution—despite the fact that such activity is not commerce, and is not interstate, in any way, shape or form.

I was tempted to tell you their “rationale” for their conclusion, but it might be more fun for you to guess. What new heights of contorted bullshit do you think they had to dream up to justify that “ruling”? And guess what: that ruling still stands. It’s still a large part of the excuse for the federal government getting away with doing much of what it does today, despite no constitutional “authority” to do any of it. The point is, it is laughable for anyone to still think that the federal courts are independent and objective, or to imagine that the show they put on is at all genuine or honest.

(As it happens, I have first-hand experience with how the U.S. court system treats someone they consider an enemy of the state. Several “judges,” at various stages and concerning different issues, made it glaringly obvious that in some cases, they know the outcome—they know who has to win to preserve the power of the state—and then they do whatever they have to to make that happen. For those who want the full infuriating story, I recently decided to give away my book about it, “Kicking the Dragon,” for free as an e-book: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cpanvpyzl60ciah/KickingTheDragon.epub?dl=0)

There are many other topics that could also be included as examples of how Americans are presented with a show, a facade, a false reality played out in front of them, day after day, which they eagerly watch as if they are experiencing reality, when they are doing nothing of the sort. Nothing having to do with “politics” is at all what Hollywood and the mainstream media portray it to be. Not even close.

The fraud and theft which gets labelled “monetary policy” is another fine example. But for now, on that topic, I will simply mention what Henry Ford had to say about it: “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.

So what is the punchline here? Quite simply it is that everything the public is taught about “government”—what it is and how it functions—is a lie, start to finish. The fairy tales that the public sees in moves, television shows, and what passes for “news,” are 100% fake. So in one sense, Donald Trump is right when he says that much of what you see on television is “fake news.” The part that isn’t true is when he pretends that he isn’t just one more piece of that fake news, playing his part as just another puppet in a performance that has one, and only one, purpose: to keep several hundred million people duped and distracted enough that they continue to pay tribute to a ruling class, and continue to obey the arbitrary whims of political crooks, and keep on empowering the malicious, intrusive, oppressive, deadly agendas of political sociopaths.

And what is the solution? To believe your own eyes. Turn off the steady stream of mind-numbing slave-training and fear-mongering. Stop allowing your captors to feed you their propaganda, day in and day out. Stop volunteering to “experience” a bogus reality in which we mere mortals are all weak, untrustworthy, stupid, nasty and violent, and in which it is only by the good graces of our benevolent political masters and their valiant enforcers that civilization and peaceful coexistence are possible.

Because that is bullshit. Always has been, always will be.

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(Larken Rose is a speaker, author and activist, having advocated the principles of non-aggression, self-ownership and a stateless, voluntary society for over twenty years. Donations to help support his articles, videos and other projects can be made by PayPal to "[email protected]" or by Bitcoin to 13xVLRidonzTHeJCUPZDaFH6dar3UTx5js.)


I am of the firm belief that we should build a wall to protect our nation!

A wall around the 69 square miles of foreign occupied territory on the Potomac.

It truly is interesting that we believe in the movies and tell-a-vision programming up until we actually run into the govern-cement.
The typical american believes in justice, and their day in court... until they get their day in court.

If the person were truly on trial, wouldn't the court speak in that person's language? But, the truth is, the only person in the court room that doesn't speak the language is the defendant.

It is truly mortifying.

I am glad I read the rest of your post! I was ready to wall you in! I only woke up 9 months ago.. How was I this asleep and zombiefied. I kne 9/11 was a lie in 2005-6 or so, went nuts and told friends and family who did NOT care, then amazingly I became a zombie AGAIN for the NEXRT 10 years. Depressing. Good comment.

Oh no turned behind polite piqued enough at.

Well, talk about this article totally not registering in that brainwashed slave's head! lol

This is why Im' learning about chakras, alignment, mind, body, spirit and have been practicing the Law of Attraction since I was sixteen.
I believe, meditation, chakra alignment and the power of attraction all share a connection that is the real truth.
@jeffberwick love you crypto and spiritual channel!!!

Sorry to write an OT message: I rewrote "imagine" by John "illuminati" Lennon and in all humbleness I think I did an excellent job, please consider upvote it: https://steemit.com/openmic/@lasseehlers/z8ojl173

Also I think the whole truth movement would benefit if you woke up fully to that the earth is flat, I made a small collection of 4 videos to wake up anybody to the flat earth under the tag: #notaglobe (simply click this tag and the 4 videos will be at the end of the list, together with a few videos where I talk)...

Even we disagree on some topics, I of course notice your big audience and ability to get a message out there. I hope you soon wake up to #notaglobe and that you will upvote the song I made.

Was that sarcasm? Please tell me it was sarcasm.

Yes thanks u trump. Why cant people stop hating maybe they are being programmed
Let him do his job. We didnt bother obama when he fucked us with health carw, hilary, and the fbi. Did vegas not happen. Judges only do shit good in election years. Good luck man god be with ya

God? Thank God? You think it was God who made him president?
Also, did you even read the post? I’m dumbfounded.

this is another great article of you,, Violations are made clearly by the ones who should apply rules and respect them.
that is a big shame in human beings history. we are supposed to be more civilized and treat humans equally even if they are enemies or even criminals according to the low for sure.

very interesting post...
thanks for sharing it...
upvoted and followed...!!!

i am 100% agree with you specially i love your these lines(everything has already been decided behind closed doors)
the reality of politician and police are just like this emoji

Good luck. Judges only help when election year comes around

a new information for me @larkenrose
Thank you for sharing

"Instead, they hire others to carefully calculate and craft a character who the candidate should pretend to be." - Yes, there are countless examples of politicians promising one thing in a political campaign and then doing the completely opposite thing after the elections.

The example of a farmer growing and consuming his own wheat is insane, no comment, thanks for sharing.

Started to read... slowly scroll... “yup”... “yup”... faster scrolling... “psh, ok yeah!”. Bolt down to bottom “I already know this guy knows what he is talking about.”

Good write!

Great write up as always.
Second word in the FDR paragraph needs attention.
Hope Amanda's feeling better.

Oops. Good catch. Thanks.