Politics: The Path To Slavery

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

Politics is a scam invented by tyrants, and serves only tyrants.

For over two hundred years, Americans have voted, and petitioned, and protested, and campaigned, and filed lawsuits against state agents and departments, and filed complaints against abusive government enforcers and bureaucrats, and voted some more. All the while, the size and power of the ruling class has grown, getting its tentacles into more and more aspects of everyone's lives, constantly expanding taxation, regulation and surveillance, not to mention military imperialism and war-mongering all over the world.

It's also worth noting that the ability to vote not only didn't stop, but assisted the growth of authoritarian, murderous regimes in Red China, the Soviet Union, North Korea, Germany, and elsewhere.

If you think that any political or "legal" solution will ever reverse this trend, you need to stop lying to yourself. If the people are not willing to disobey and resist the ruling class--to be free without the permission of politicians and legislatures--then they will be slaves forever.


As soon as you discover the people in suits are just heads of a gang, the idea of politics fixing things becomes comical.

Everyone else thinks it's broken; we see that it's running perfectly, and pretending to be broken.

Do not give up your military style rifles (magazine fed semi-auto). They are the primary means of resistance. Our enemies know this too, and that is why those weapons are their primary target.

Nice to see you posting shorter rants on Steemit, @larkenrose

Pay yer taxes and pay for your own rope, or be attacked and poor until it all collapses..

People still want freedom, but not prepared to pay the price...The hardship.
A spoiled, decadent, soft generation... or 2..

I don't think it's that they fear the price of liberty, but that they prefer the illusion that someone else is paying the price of government without bothering to see how we are all plundered and restricted.

Individual liberty and individual responsibility go together. You cannot have the first without the second. That is one of the primary problems we have as people who refuse to be ruled by others. The vast majority of people refuse to accept the individual responsibility required to have individual liberty. Is it possible to coexist with such people? I don't think it is.

Those whom worship the State, build a death-bed of lies, where no amount of willing ignorance will find them innocent or forgiven.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

Politics is not evil. Centralization is not evil. Absolute power does TEND to corrupt, which is simply why efforts are made to centralize systems to the local level and create better distribution systems for an economy. . . . The say politics is always evil is closed minded. Generally most ultimatums are closed minded. Anarchy and the idea that all people are equal is a closed minded ultimatum. It's fine and good to have ideals, but you better have a practical example to prove your ideal in practice.

Government is a group of people who claim a territorial monopoly in violence, and claim superior authority over the lives of everyone in their claimed territory. They usurp the natural rights of individuals. That is evil.

Perhaps you should read the passage containing the "absolute power" quote, too.

"I cannot accept your canon that we are to judge Pope and King unlike other men with a favourable presumption that they did no wrong. If there is any presumption, it is the other way, against the holders of power, increasing as the power increases. Historic responsibility has to make up for the want of legal responsibility. All power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority: still more when you superadd the tendency or certainty of corruption by full authority. There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it."
—Lord Acton

Uhm, all people are not equal, but all people should be equal under the law. The law should be simple and based on harm done to people or their property too. This shit isn't complicated.

Everything Lysander Spooner wrote in No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority or any of his other essays is still accurate. Government consists of usurpers and tyrants, and regardless of their intentions, the fact remains that their claims are illegitimate.

Hey. Just sent you a message on FB messenger. Let me know if you get it, if you get some time.