War-Mongering Snowflakes

So a teacher got fired for criticizing the most murderous gang on the planet.
A big-wig indoctrinator at the school, in announcing the school board’s unanimous decision to fire the heretic, declared that the teachers comments “do not reflect what we stand for, who we are.” Because apparently who they are is people who will not tolerate criticism of the mindless thugs who commit murder for U.S. politicians. But just to add an extra level of irony and surrealness, the big-wig added, “the classroom should never be a place where students feel that they are picked at, bullied, intimidated.”
So, you see, a huge, violent gang openly recruiting students to be killers for the ruling class, not to mention all manner of nationalistic brain-washing and war-glorification that goes on in almost all schools, doesn’t count as bullying or intimidation. But one guy having a different opinion does. And, of course, the proper, non-bullying, non-intimidating response to such a dissenting opinion is …. to fire the dissenter.

As it happens, the teacher who referred to soldiers as “dumbshits,” was (whether he knew it or not) pretty closely echoing the opinions of one of the most decorated U.S. soldiers in history. Contrast and compare:
“They’re not like high-level thinkers, they’re not academic people, they’re not intellectual people. They’re the lowest of our low.” - Teacher
“Like all the members of the military profession, I never had a thought of my own until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service.” - Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler
When the teacher’s opinions were made public, all manner of war-worshiping dupes decided to attack and condemn him for his thoughts. After a sufficient amount of bullying and intimidation, he continued to say that he didn’t think the military is the “best option” for his students, but added, “that does not mean I'm anti-military, because I'm not.” For the record, I am absolutely anti-military, because they are a gang of murderous, terroristic psychos. But whether the guy was being truthful, or was bullied into saying that, who knows?

And the good little Brownshirt who recorded the teacher saying what he did, and then leaked it to the world—who, by the way, aspires to be a mindless thug of the state himself some day—said, “Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion but at the same time they shouldn’t be disrespecting the veterans who have fought for our rights, who give up their lives and do stuff that other people are not willing to do.” What a fine example of how damn stupid people who join the military are, since he basically said, “Everyone can express his opinion, as long as I agree with it.” He will make a fine unthinking mercenary of the state.
And, just to once again show how much decent people are against bullying and intimidation, none other than the White House Chief of Staff, John Kelly, said that the teacher “ought to go to hell.” The FoxNews story, not intending to be ironic, ended with a fine display of bullying, indoctrination, and stupidity, all at the same time, by quoting that same political doofus (who himself is a former high-ranking murderer for the state) also saying that he hopes the teacher “enjoys the liberties and the lifestyle that we have fought for.” Aside from how stupid it is to pretend that the U.S. military has ever defended the freedoms of Americans, to have this mercenary of the state say that in a case where someone got fired for expressing his opinions is beyond ironic. But hey, apparently that’s what you get for committing blasphemy against the Holy Church of Government and its hired killers, here in the “land of the free.”

(P.S. Fuck the troops.)
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Although we disagree on a lot of things, but I agree with you on this one. Public education was a great idea, long ago, but it is dead and a cancer today. I am really surprised nobody is holding a sign that says the truth "US does not give a shit, when it is brown people getting murdered"
I love how you tell it like it is larkin. How these paid killers, political canon fodder, are held up as heros truly demonstrates just how lost american society has become. The proper role of any military is to defend the people and country, but the US military, the self proclaimed police men of the world, go around preemptively invading and occupying other nations stealing their resources raping and torturing the people and guarding the poppy fields. they are an utter disgrace. I would never want my children to become a mindless order follow, soul diers!
Who needs coffee in the morning? Just read a @larkenrose article! Keep up the great work and hope the mirror is coming along.
hello my brothers steemit I would like followers who like the military theme and thank you very much for your help
When death is considered normal and 'soul-diers' are held up as fine examples of 'life' - it's time to re-assess what exactly life is. Part of the problem is a total lack of appreciation and understanding for the emotional aspect of who we are and, in fact, the psychopathic intention to destroy life originates in non acceptance of emotions.