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RE: The True Nature of Money

in #anarchy7 years ago

Very good points, it's are all our subjective value. I try to bring the idea of bitcoin and blockchain, to everyone who is interested. When enough people know about are curious, and invested in it things will get real interesting real fast. If we have a currency that is not used for the wars, prisons, strip mining of resource stealing violent model of the past etc. We can really change the world real quick. Anarchy, personal responsibility, and people truly understanding their own power, that is what we need. Nobody wants war and oppression they just believe the bull shit that is served to them.


We need decentralisation as much as we need centralisation. I am happy there are roads, schools, lights in the streets. Your Liberty To Swing Your Fist Ends Just Where My Nose Begins.In other words My liberty ends where your begin.

Hmm what do you mean by centralisation? I'm happy there are roads and lights. Schools? It depends what school we are talking about here. People built those roads, schools, and lights. A belief in a system that is unjustified and not real doesn't make those roads get built. People who want something will make it happen. Giving someone else more authority over almost all aspects of your life will only stifle progress. The people who built the roads make having roads possible. They don't need permits, "laws", and taxes to work. I don't think anyone truly trusts a politician to keep their word and deliver on their promises. Or trust them not take bribes to certain special interest groups. When you say we need centralisation in order to protect certain things understand that this very centralisation or control you give to a government is more corrupt then any privatisation could be. This false belief that governments actually provide the control they claim to bring to any industry or anything needs to be brought to light. They are a big gang, they don't provide protection they are the very thing we need to be protected against. People can still learn and work together and have leaders in certain aspects and projects of their lives without giving them authority they themselves don't have.
My liberty is non-violent unless violence is brought to me. Anarchy is not as chaotic as the current system we have. It's self governance, personal responsibility and cooperation. It's nobody taking a cut of your money unless you believe they provide a valuable service to you. It's actual freedom. Centralisation has been tried for a long time it has some major flaws and it's time for something new.

''It's actual freedom. Centralisation has been tried for a long time it has some major flaws and it's time for something new''

This sentence is false mate. Something new ? It is pretty easy now you have a roof, electricity, or simply WATER. Do you think if government did not exist you would have born with it ?

''This false belief that governments actually provide the control they claim to bring to any industry or anything needs to be brought to light.'' Where do you live mate ? Because I live in France and my world/reality is different from yours.

I am happy my government taught me to read, to write, to think. To not see things only black or white or in your case TOTALY BLACK. I am happy they took care of my family members every time one of them is seek. And I'll will be happy tomorrow if my wife or my children has a cancer or whatever can happened. If anybody has a health trouble in France, hospital will heal him thanks to centralisation.

Why do you think your parents are still alive whereas a few centuries ago they would have die at 50 and you would have been happy with that.

Don't ask yourself if I am right or wrong, ask yourself if you couldn't do something better than criticising the government whereas even if all of them have huge problems, being negative things everywhere is called paranoia mate...

Yes government is the biggest dealer, killer, banker and whatever you want. At the end if we are able to breath with our of some part of our families it is thanks to our government. If you don't understand, go live a few weeks in Colombia, Thailand or North Korea and you will understand your luck. You can change the world thanks to your computer and smartphone. Yes it did kill people so try to change the world before being a new one that's it !

Friendly, thank you for your reply mate !

PS : Without government you would get killed with your family after people start starving. It would be the same everywhere ! Without fear, people are fucking psycho, look at history and what power makes to people. Imagine if they just have to hit because supermarkets are empty, there were no government to protect the salaries, the money and especially the food because money won't have anymore value, we will go back to trade gold, that could be nice ! But not for me X) Thus I love my mom and I am sure you love yours...