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RE: Kafka has been exposed.

in #anarchy6 years ago

In my view the plot and threat was real, but once cover was blown, Farmer manipulated the situation by not legitimizing your grievances and then trying to frame you up by using others to manipulate your responses until they could construct a narrative where you are the perpetuator rather than them.


Got it. Thanks for the clarification.

Whether he directly contacted these losers writing articles like this to do so or not, I definitely do get the impression they’re trying to “get a rise” from me.

I would start to use your experiences to do something constructive like start informing others about the importance of proper information security and start to add value to the discussion by changing your goals. At this point this is the best use of your talents and platform.

As if exposing this kind of evil is not “constructive.” Makes me wonder who is behind this newly created account of yours. Damage control?

If not, and if you are sincere...No way.

This is a disgusting revelation that needs to be trumpeted far and wide. To advocate a kind of “just let it go” approach is, to me, highly suspect.

As for cyber security, etc, I am already engaged in projects to that end.


I didn't really mean to imply that you should stop going after Ben Farmer, I was just suggesting adding in content that illustrates a more detailed approach on somethign like cyber defense, so that your platform, and your circle of influence can probably benefit because if they came for you then what will stop the next person from coming for them.

Good call. Thank you.

Fantastic point! I agree that Kafka needs to expose his hacker or admit that he is a hypocrite.

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That should be pretty simple to do Kafka. Expose your hacker.

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So instead of addressing the allegations, you hope to get people to talk to an anonymous Twitter handle? How stupid do you think people are :D

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For clarification Ben is still Mia. My family and friends aren't doing this for ben

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Well. Except Kafka DID do those things, didn't he?

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