If only you had voted harder maybe you wouldn't have been shot.

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

Giving a special group of individuals the power of law inevitably creates a stratified society, split between the law haves and law have nots. The law haves are protected against the have nots no matter what any popularly elected 'official' says, not just by the laws they write for their own protection but by simple deception, the same deception that the confused public will argue is why we need such powerful people in society in the first place. When a so called murderer kills he can't turn to the law for protection as readily as the officer of the law and in this modern era of ubiquitous communication this discontinuity is becoming starkly evident. To paraphrase "It isn't getting worse, it's getting filmed". All self referential logical fallacies aside what isn't so evident is why anyone ever believed it was possible to trust anyone with the powers these authoritarian forces and their masters possess, in the first place.
