Vonu in Acapulco: John and Lily On The Run (#VonuPodcast)
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I'm joined by John Galton and Lily Davine (@lily-da-vine). We talk about their paths to anarchy, their adventure to Acapulco, life on the run, Anarchaforko, and much more.
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Fun Fact: LilJohn (John and Lily Forester) have used explosives to try and scare off people they did not like. I know this is the truth because it was I who had the knowledge to facilitate this and helped personally plant the explosives. It was not my idea but LilJohn was too dumb and scared to do this on his own. This was done with full knowledge and approval of Jason Henza as he was trying to get back at the guy who his wife left him for. He even got on Facebook live so he would have an alibi when the bombs went off. I have since come to ask forgiveness for my role in this abhorrent action and now live with the very people I helped aggress against. I know there is no excuse for the role I played in this but at the time I was an emotional wreck and easily manipulated.
This incident will be in the next chapter of my saga about these toxic children on Steemit... Stay tuned!
These two are forcing good people, who have actual talent skills and/or money, to leave or not even come in the first place. I am formally stating that I feel my safety is at risk as to my exposing these filthy children and I have proven that they are a destructive force in the community. I have offered my hand in peace multiple times but have been ignored. This has only added to my anxiety as to this situation.
Therefore, I am well within my rights, according to the N.A.P., to mitigate this threat with extreme prejudice.
That is all, carry on...
You do know that John is an abusive violent fraud, correct? Ask him about the explosives he used to try and scare people he didn't like out of Acapulco. The only reason being is that this person wouldn't lend him more money. John is a sociopath.