Gun Control in Mexico Has Left the Mexican People Defenseless

in #anarchy7 years ago

In this video, I talk about the history of gun control in Mexico, how cartels and criminal organizations have come to power, and how autodefensa groups and the Zapatistas have used firearms to secure relative autonomy.

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I think gun can protect everyone when he face a crime so it is no a good work by Mexico

agreed. the Mexican Government likes the population being disarmed so they can be in control.

didn't the autodefensias just become the cartel themselves?

the cartel and the government coopted and infiltrated the autodefensa group in Michoacan. Check out the video, I mention this.

I think that is always going to be the problem as long as the ownership of guns is centralized, what they need in Mexico is a much better distribution of guns. they need to make it easier for the law abiding to have them. Then people wouldn't need one armed group to save them from the other but then become corrupted themselves.

wholeheartedly agree. more guns in the hands of more good people leads to less crime and tyranny. I live in TX which is armed like a mofo.

Decentralization is paramount to prosperity, liberty, and freedom. It seems the peoples must free their minds before those principles will be fully realized. I'm optimistic about the potential for such a realization, and indeed see indications that the people are moving in the direction of liberty. I always like to point out when discussing with others that the simple fact that this conversation is happening is an indication that that optimism in not unfounded, despite the obvious push to further centralize and further empower the illusory authority of the state.

Thanks for the insight! By keeping the conversation going its inevitable that more and more people will begin to see that the solution is up to all of us, and not a (s)elect few. Cheers!

thanks! I agree. I am way optimistic about the prospect for liberty.

Cartel Land is a very good movie. Mexico is a narco state.

Mexico is serving a need generated by Americans and Canadians. Everybody has their role. Some are consumers, traffickers, facilitators, corrupt cops/officials, farmers, organized crime, transit countries etc.

Can't blame consumers for problems cause by prohibition.

What type of leader allows a situation to exist and persist where the criminal element has no proboems getting arms whilst the law abiding have great difficulty obtaing arms legally and as such the criminals then abuse the innocents. It is an act of maximum immorality to allow such inequality of power to the benefit of the criminally minded.
A victim is a person whose rights were trampled upon. An armed law abiding citizen is difficult to be made a victim. And only a fool would attempt to do so knowing what's waiting on him.

well said. thanks for your input. the right to keep and bear arms is an extension of our natural right to self-preservation. it's not a left or right issue or even a gun rights issue, it's a human right!

Especially when only the bad guys have them.

please share why you think guns are no good. I think they are a valuable tool to protect good people from those that would do harm.

Why do you call cops?Because they have guns. Why have security at banks?Because they have guns.
Why have armed soldiers?Because they have guns.
Guns are power. That power can be used to do great good or great evils. The question is whose hand is that gun in and what are their intentions.