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RE: Race, IQ, Genetics ... and Then What?

in #anarchy6 years ago

But aren't the US a proof, that not even the best constitution can't protect you from corrupt politicians.
You Americans still have much more freedom than we Europeans, but as far as I can see your freedom gets more and more restricted.


The constitution despite what the rest of the world thinks is not our protection against government, it's our Countries protection against the Federal Power, which isn't government in the sense of a country therefore, but government in the sense of a confederation of Countries, much like the UN isn't any one's government but an interface between countries, and so then the constitution only applies to the states which formed it, and only if they are active, because otherwise there's nothing to protect, should the states have stopped functioning and showing up and equally should the Federal Power have done the same then there isn't a Federal Power to protect from. We have freedom and are quickly losing it because people believe their country is America, imagine what would happen if anyone in Europe thought that EU or UN was their country and they kept that thought and passed it down generation after generation. People would soon enough join the ranks of the UN in thoughts they are serving a Country and forgetting that they belonged to a certain country and not an alliance of countries. That's exactly what happened here, people thought the Articles of Confederation were dissolved by the constitution, and 100 year later people like Lysander were concluding that either the Constitution caused the Government or was powerless to stop it, thinking that it applies AT-ALL to them or is their Government. So would the UN soon enough could open up charters in all the nations that don't have a functioning government and start offering services and soon enough people think that those things are indeed Government because they do the same function, and if it becomes inefficient and outright immoral people start blaming the Corporation for not being a proper Government, yet the main difference between a Corporation and a Lawful government is in the capacity it operates under, with a Corporation owing it's explanation to its Shareholders and Trustees and lawful government owing their existence to the actual People it claims to serve and such relationship can't be confused, the employer and the employee, and if it is then it's time to begin from the beginning, a la Declaration of Independence. There's no Anarchist in Iceland because people haven't confused their capacity and roles.

One needs 12 years of indoctrination camp to over-complicate what a 3yo already starts understanding, like that. You have no idea how ridiculous this sounds to anyone who is not in your cult. How often do you have to repeat this to yourself, praying to your masters? Iceland is so great? People thought they were a collective, not individuals, therefore a majority can gang-rape, a minority and this is not being confused, because majority is hallucinating this to be moral? How about you visit me and I and my buddy force you to pay for the pizza, when you want a burger? If you refuse we will decide how long to lock you up in a room. We can beat you up whenever we want. You do not get basics of peaceful coexistence. This is why you think this convoluted nonsense is logic. Dumb shit always seems like logic, to people who were trained not to get logic


You didn't address anything said above, but you proceeded to attack my character at length without rhyme or reason. Tell me again about all those Iceland Anarchists LMAO.

You want me to be shot if I do not obey the threats of strangers you chose for me to be my masters. I do not want you nor them to control my life. You keep insisting on forcing me, when I told you more than 10 times, I do not want to. If you behave like a piece of shit and cannot see it, I will describe it for you again and again. I do not care what you have to say, if you do not start from being a peaceful person. I have a moral duty to stop your aggression. If you wish to talk about Iceland maybe go to Iceland? I really do not care if the entire world thinks that majority forcing minority to obey is moral. I do not. Do not force me to live like you want me to live. It is very simple. If you do not get it, you are no one to debate with.

You want me to be shot if I do not obey the threats of strangers you chose for me to be my masters. I do not want you nor them to control my life. You keep insisting on forcing me, when I told you more than 10 times, I do not want to.

Proof or SOL.

If you behave like a piece of shit and cannot see it, I will describe it for you again and again. I do not care what you have to say, if you do not start from being a peaceful person. I have a moral duty to stop your aggression.

LMAO, you have a moral duty, yet you never questioned those who actually trespass on your rights and others? You're a fake and this is the proof: you claim you have a moral duty but you've spread only derision and hate in your inflamed hemorrhage which accuses me of aggression that never happened. Project much "or shut up"?

If you wish to talk about Iceland maybe go to Iceland?

Classic statist logic in play: why don't you go to Iceland. And what then LMAO, shut up for your convenience? Why do I need to go to Iceland? Because I wish to talk about it? LMAO.

I really do not care if the entire world thinks that majority forcing minority to obey is moral. I do not.

La di Da, who cares what you care first and foremost? Did I ever advocate what the rest of the world thinks or believes? No you moron, your imbecilic umbrella won't let a drop of logic or sense enter your dry head.

Do not force me to live like you want me to live. It is very simple. If you do not get it, you are no one to debate with.

What the hell are you talking about you moronic arsenal of hurling insults and accusations, will you cogently explain anything or will you keep accusing me of forcing you to live my way you and your elephantiasis ridden sterile mind? Debate is for those that want it and show they earn it, you only get my attention for the cultist entertainment you deliver with your stale questions reeking only of unfounded accusations and character smears.

So, in other words, you had nothing constructive or substantial to say besides attacking me yet again, as if a troll is what you say it is and not what your actions painted you as, lmao.