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RE: Making Helpless Victims

in #anarchy7 years ago

I agree with your point here. But being from the UK it difficult to fathom. We don't have gun crime like this so its had to understand. We have guns and if you want to get a gun it easy enough if you know the right people.

I personally think its the culture in the US and the media that cause these attacks not the fact there are guns freely available. If someone wants to do this they can and will. We had Dunblane in the remote Scotland where a guy went in and shot 16 kids and a teacher and guns are completely illegal here! So if the motive is there I don't think law or rule are going to stop it. It would be better to band the media from programming and causing such depression and feels of inadequacy! 💯🐒


Gun violence in the U.S. is mainly the result of cultural issues, the "war on drugs" (which is the fault of "government"), and "government" instigating or actually carrying out the shootings. But politicians still always want to use it as an excuse to empower themselves and disempower everyone else.