RE: [video] It's No Exaggeration: You Are a Free-Range Slave.
When we wake up and realize all of this, that we are in essence slaves and that the government is extorting taxes from us-stealing our money at every turn and that we do not live in the utopian society we were taught that we lived in, it hurts. I think about it a lot and wonder why everyone goes along with it. I used to go along with it until I woke up. I regret not knowing better sooner.
I thank the Universe somehow I knew in my heart after my first child was born that I could not leave her in a daycare even though at that time I had totally bought into the career-woman, super-mom bullshit lie. My higher self spoke loudly, thankfully. I quit my job. I've made a lot of mistakes but that wasn't one of them, and my husband and I are on the same page with that. You never get that time back that you can be with your children. What a shame that we live in a society that thinks it perfectly normal and natural to hand a baby over to the state....All in the name of paying taxes and consumerism. Like you said, we're free-range slaves.