6/07 ANDY HOFFMAN (CryptoGoldCentral.com): Emerging Market Currency Debacle Highlights Bitcoin’s SOUND MONEY

in #andyhoffman7 years ago

Over the years, I have learned that the most effective way to market is driving home key points, over and over. In Bitcoin’s case, the breakneck pace of technology development, and news flow, often overshadows its most important aspect; i.e., the SOUND MONEY it represents, far more effectively than anything man, or Mother Nature, has ever conceived. This is why Bitcoin came into being during the 2008 Financial Crisis – and why it continues to strengthen, as history’s largest, most destructive fiat Ponzi scheme races through its malignant terminal phase.


Generations of “plebeians” have been destroyed by “patricians” printing money; and never before have so many of the former been enslaved by so few of the latter. Individuals, corporations, municipalities, and nations are being destroyed by debt and inflation; which, given the Ponzi-esque nature of fiat currency, MUST continue rising until the system eventually dies. This has occurred EVERY time fiat currency regimes have been attempted, and will be no different today…only this time, unprecedented market manipulation and financial leverage (i.e., derivatives) will make the regime’s demise that much more spectacular.

This past month, emerging market currencies are amidst another frightening plunge; which of course, the patrician-owned media has no interest in covering. Brazil, Indonesia, India, Mexico, Turkey, and Brazil, to name a few; some of which, have been forced into “emergency rate hikes” to prevent further currency declines – at the expense of already collapsing economies…





…two of which, literally BEGGED the Federal Reserve to stop “tightening” monetary policy.


Tell me, does a Federal Funds rate of 1.7% - essentially, America’s lowest ever; and a balance sheet of $4.3 trillion – essentially, American’s highest ever; sound “tight” to you?



And just how “tight” can it get, given America’s parabolically rising debt levels – and oh yeah, the need to service INTERNAL Ponzi schemes like Medicare and Social Security?


This, in a society where even the masses understand their “money” is being relentlessly devalued.



This is why Bitcoin CANNOT LOSE; and why today, on both an absolute and relative basis (as measured by the Mayer Multiple), Bitcoin is perhaps more undervalued, relative to its FUNDAMENTALS, than at any time in its nine-year history.

If you have Bitcoin wallet technical issues of any kind - or want to SAFELY split forks like BCH, BTG, BTX, BCD, SBTC, BCX, BPVT, and others, I can put you in contact with one of industry's most reliable wallet experts.


Hola from Panama Andy! It is great to see you on Steemit. Tip for your posts to get visibility is to always have an image. #LettheDollarDie #BitcoinMoonBound

Coins mentioned in post:

CoinPrice (USD)📉 24h📈 7d
BCDBitcoin Diamond2.804$-2.03%-3.41%
BCHBitcoin Cash1147.380$0.01%14.0%
BTGBitcoin Gold45.107$0.49%3.46%