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WHAT ARE ANGEL NUMBERS | Are you searching what are my angel numbers? so let’s learn all the 9 hidden secrets & what does angel numbers mean spiritually from 111-999 with a live example.

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  2. The secret of angel numbers 222
  3. The secret of angel numbers 333
  4. The secret of angel numbers 444
  5. The secret of angel numbers 555
  6. The secret of angel numbers 666
  7. The secret of angel numbers 777
  8. The secret of angel numbers 888
  9. The secret of angel numbers 999

So today's article is all about Angel numbers, and you may be sitting there right now asking yourself, what are Angel numbers.


So Angel numbers are also known as master numbers and that is when you have a trio of the same numbers so for instance 111,222,333,444,555,666,777,888,999 or 1:11,2:2 2,3:33, 4:44, 5:55,6:66,7:77, 8:88, 9:99 sitting on capturing these numbers in your everyday life, usually has a lot of meaning to it, because these Angel numbers or master numbers are powerful tools of manifestation and powerful indicators of things that are currently being manifested in your life.
So if you've been seeing the same number over and over again and this sounds familiar to you, then pick
I have given direct link of your angel number in index by clicking you will find your angel number easily because a lot of us have experiences with different Angel numbers, and it often also depends on where you're at in life, because in certain times of life you will see one angel number which has a certain meaning for that moment in your life, whereas a few months earlier, or two encounter completely different Angel numbers.

So don't just love and tune in to as many numbers as you feel drawn to right now. So not only will I be using my tarot cards. I will also be using these notes that I have in my journal about 16 numbers.

So this is just some research that I've done. These are just my thoughts on the different numbers. So I'm going to be using a mixture of a lot of different sources to figure out exactly what your angel numbers mean for you right now.


So now that you know how angel number works I'm going to get straight into each and every one of the angel numbers, I will be starting off with the number 111 or 1:11. So let's talk about 111, what is this 111 angel number in full detail.


Meaning of 111 angel numbers - Angel number 111 or 1:11 meaning In the tarot corresponds to the magician in the Major Arcana okay so this 111 number is all about lightening all about starting new amazing projects, as well as things moving very quickly.

So it's important for you to really monitor your thoughts. At this point, and focus on what you want, not what you don't want.

Furthermore, this angel number 111 or 1:11is also an indication of a wakeup call. That is kind of narrate as well as a lot of inspiration.

I want to look a little bit more into what your angel numbers trying to tell you right now, by using my tarot and oracle cards.

So, we have the New Moon in Sagittarius, as well as the North.

Note - So it's important for you to know here that if you feel as though the number 111 is kind of pushing you towards getting out of your comfort zone as we have represented in the North Node, I want you to know, in the New Moon in Sagittarius, that luck is on your side okay so this number is about high energy as well, and just kind of knowing that you're on the right path.

So this is an important indication for you to have, and receive this card within the number 1 so know that luck is on your side you're on the right path if you keep seeing this number and it truly is a positive indicator okay it means good, it means that you can keep going this way, then we have a perfect timing, as well as abundance, so this just speaks a little more about the number of 111 for you.

And just the fact that this number indicates you're on the right path. This is a perfect time for you to kind of fetch more abundance into your life. Following this, so if you see it on the clock on the timer if you just continue to notice this number, then follow it, don't take it for granted. Okay, we have another message here, the Empress the Empress is all about kind of natural beauty, as well as fertility so if you are looking into how you can improve yourself love especially in correspondence to your appearance.

It's important for you to just know that things are moving quickly and don't make rash decisions. The same goes with fertility don't make any decisions too quickly or on a whim that has to do with expanding your family, because as I said there was quick movement with the number 111 or you can say 1:11 And you're going to want to feel evolution, a little bit more, as well as learn to just cope with where things are heading right now because there's already a lot of change coming.

Then we have the four of Wands, we have the five of pentacles, the eight of swords as well as the Queen of Swords. So we have a lot of phallic energy phallic energy is masculine energy and whereas a phallic is because we have swords here we have wands here and we have swords here again.

And as you know swords and wands are kind of like this stick looking depiction. So phallic energy is energy that is drawn towards action which fits perfectly for this number, and I want you to know with the queen of swords that right now, the number 111 is urge you to and to make sure that you think them through before you use them because your words are very powerful right now if you fail to do so.

I see here in the five of pentacles, that you could face kind of like financial repercussions if you will, you could face kind of like a difficult time almost paying for it, and furthermore in the four of Wands I want you to know here that there is like a good chance for you to find stability right now, especially through action as I can see here in the eight of swords that what you really need to overcome is just fear, everything that is new and everything, and that is kind of that you're being pushed towards if you will, and to know that it's okay.

When you see this 111 number you're being guided by your angels, this is a powerful number for manifesting New Beginnings change, as well as just inspired action so take the opportunity when it comes and be unafraid, if this is the number 111 that you continuously see your reading definitely confirmed that you're on the right path, and all you need to do is stay on track. Let’s go to know meaning of 222 angel numbers what it says.


Meaning of 222 angel numbers - Angel number 222 meaning is If you're here right now you continuously see the number 222 or 2:22. So, what does that mean the number 222 or 2:22 all about a balance, as well as men and calls but it's all about balance in the sense that you need to know that without darkness, there cannot be any light.
So the number 222 or 2:22. usually encourages us to continue fighting to follow through with what we started through to the end because when things get tough, that's when you kind of feel like it's very out of balance and you fail to notice when things are going well, how that is out of balance as well as I said, without darkness there can't be too and without a light, there can't be darkness so when things are going well, I want you to know that that is like positively out of balance for you.

So when things are a little rocky I don't want you to think of giving up because the number 222 or 2:22 is trying to encourage you to just stay on the ball, but I want to move, kind of into a bit of a reading fear in order to figure out a little bit more of what this number is trying to say to you right now, we have the four of pentacles, as well as the six of pentacles.

So the four of pentacles is all about not being too stingy. Okay, so stay very optimistic that another indication of what the number 222 or 2:22 is trying to communicate to you, not being stingy being optimistic when it comes to your finances as I can see here the six of pentacles, that you're rolling into a time where giving is going to kind of be reciprocated.

So if you give either your time, financial aid to those who are more in need, than you are. I want you to know that everything that you can get kind of like in return for it, the abundance that you will receive is endless and is really great too,

So it's important for you even if you feel like you don't really have much to give as we have here the four of pentacles, to still even just give that little bit even if it seems like nothing to you because to somebody else, that is going to be a lot, and the universe is going to send you a lot of greatness and abundance back because it can tell that you're ready to handle it.

So then we have the page of swords, as well as the five of pentacles. So one thing that I see here in the five of pentacles is that in correspondence to the number 222 allow yourself to also say goodbye to ideas that didn't work out so if you had a business or an idea of what you wanted to do in your career, and you felt like it's just not resonating with you anymore but you can tell you're still holding on because you already invested maybe a lot of time and thought into it, know that it's okay to abandon things, not everything will work out some things will also just work out till a certain time, and then you have to move on.

There are tons of businesses that are successful. For five years, three decades but afterwards it just doesn't work out, and people need to abandon those old ideas, and either revamp or move on completely and I want you to know here in the page of swords that that now is the best time for you when you see the number two to to to learn new things I see that fresh knowledge is really going to help you kind of figure out exactly how you can stay strong and see your ideas through, and also just give you new inspiration on what you can do next with your life and your career, but let's move a little further into this shall we, we have the full moon in Aries the New Moon in Scorpio, as well it's the Full Moon in Sagittarius.

So in the Full Moon in Sagittarius I see here that you're being called to look at the bigger picture with the number 222.
So it's important for you to know that yes you're manifesting miracles right now, so don't sweat the small stuff okay hold on to your vision, even through the tough times in the full moon in Aries I see here that a fiery climax is approaching.

So really, like, an amazing thing that you've been waiting for. And in the New Moon in Scorpio I see that it has to do with you working through your fears so don't let your fears, get the best of you.
Don't allow your worries to stop you from going down the route you're on right now okay so stay optimistic even when it gets difficult. Then we have you're ready as well as take action so then you're ready, I see here that you need to know that the universe right now is not throwing anything at you.

That is too big for you to handle, you can take action and you can work through challenges work through blockages, you just need to want to do so, know that you can handle whatever difficulties are in your life right now you can deal with them you can work through them you can destroy them if that's what you want to do.

All you need to do is just keep moving, or get out of a state of inertia, get out of a state of just being complacent, it's important for you to know in the New Moon in Scorpio, that some of your fears and may have kind of caught you off guard, or made you almost act like a deer in headlights, and now it's ready to you know just get it and move on.
So if you keep seeing this 222 angel number I hope that these messages gave you a good idea of what this number means for you right now, and that this motivated you and gave you some inspiration, let me know down below what hit home. What was the most helpful so next secret hidden angel number 333.


Meaning of 333 angel numbers – Angel number 333 meaning is kind of combo it is for you I want you to know that the number 333 Is this socialite is kind of like the party person when it comes to Numerology, the third house of the zodiac governs curiosity communication as well as mobility.

So if you continuously see this angel 333 number these numbers, it's important for you to pay attention to people what they say and what they do, It's important for you to now have a party, instead of focusing on scar city okay so focus on what's going on around you focus on your social life, as well as the people that you choose to spend your time with but I kind of want to lay a few cards to just figure out a little bit more of what this number is going to say to you at this point in your life.

So one thing that I can see here is a new direction as well as it's up to you. It's a now you have a fantastic chance to playfully move into a direction that has been unknown to you but that is 100% up to you, it is your choice, and it's important for you to make it based on what you want.

So yes, the number 333 or 3:33 Is a number that is urging you to explore and ask questions, and also listen to other people, but that is just for inspiration, that is just food for thought.
And it's not meant to tell you exactly what route to or what path to go down. That is something that you need to know, just for yourself. Then we have the North Node and so the North Node is all about stepping outside of your comfort zone, which is definitely something that the number 333 means for a lot of people.

So if you continuously see this magic angel number 333, I want you to know that stepping out of your comfort zone, socially, or just being more yourself in public may be something that you're kind of struggling with or that may be you know the situation in which you all of a sudden see this 333 or 3:33 number occurring so something embarrassing happens to, or you're kind of stressing out about a meeting that you have or just something that has to do with you being in a social setting, and you're freaking out about it so I want you to know that this 333 number can give you kind of reassurance, as well as security and knowing that your angels are here communicating to you that you shouldn't focus on being socially awkward or scarcity, just focus on being happy and being free, as well as just knowing that there is enough abundance here to go around for everybody don't focus on scarcity, focus on the parties.

Then we have the waning moon. So the waning moon I see here that the number 333 Next time you see it, ask yourself, what do I need to release because there's something that is clearly kind of blocking your energy which may be why you continuously see this number and why you're continuously being shown this number by your angels.
So ask yourself what do you need to release it could be an old thought pattern, it could be somebody who's holding you back, and now is a great time for you to really consider freeing yourself from any baggage.

Then we have the Empress, as well as the four of Wands, so in the four of Wands. I see that creative ventures can give you back stability, as well as not focusing so much on how attractive you are, how good you look or what kind of impression you make to the outside world because the number 333 As I said, focus on the party not on scar city, but also don't focus on how you think others will view you or perceive you focus more on just how you feel you know feeling, authentic, and just feeling like yourself because when you're trying really hard to impress people or to make sure that you don't come off as weird.

That is when people can often sense that there is some sort of like, nervous energy there. That just seems kind of off. But then we have the eight of swords, as well as judgment. So in the eight of swords I see that the number 333 is currently trying to communicate to you that you can't have all the answers that you want, and you shouldn't let that stress you out, okay, this 333 number has come into your life, to kind of get you to chill out a little bit, and to let you know that there will always be unknowns, and instead of waiting for an answer that may never come. It's better for you to just live your best as I can see here in judgment that you spend enough time kind of judging yourself kind of being skeptical about where you're going, who you're becoming how you look, and that is just not the vibe for you 333 wants you to let go of any of those thoughts and wants you to move into the direction of having fun, being more socially interactive, you know, be it over social media, or just online meetings, depending on your situation right now, but just get out of being in that hermit mode, get out of feeling like you have to deal with everything by yourself.

Then we have the Knight of Wands. So, if you're single, this could of course be an indication of somebody entering your life who is a fire sign because the wands correspond to FIRESIGN who brings a lot of passion with them, and it's kind of like in a phase of self discovery when it comes to their life, but I also want you to know in the Knight of Wands, the correlation to the number 333 You're being urged to be the first one to ask people to, you know, schedule a phone call the first one to text to reach out and the first one to initiate going out, as long as it is safe wherever it is that you are and whatever the situation is for you, so don't be afraid to do so know that you're being guided to move into more fun, as well as social interaction, even if you're not a very social person, or if you're a very introverted person.We all need human attraction, and now is the time for you to do so. So, this insight of angel numbers let’s see the next full details about angel number 444 or 4:44.


Meaning of 444 angel numbers – Angel number 444 or 4:44 meaning is in whichever way you see this 4:44 angel number I want you to know that this 444 number means that all as well so if you've been feeling lost or stressing out, or having panic attacks.

High levels of anxiety, it's important for you to know that all as well and if that is not enough for you, ask your angels for guidance during this time, you know your higher power your force whatever it is that you believe in, and know that they will provide the necessary answers, the number 444 is also urging you to help your friends out and your family members, wherever you can, so there could be somebody who is silently suffering and really in need of your help or your support so it's important for you to take the lead.

When it comes to that. Furthermore, please pay attention to your intuition, as well as your divine wisdom as right now your connection to the spiritual realms, as well as your guides is especially strong, but I want to add a few more cards in order to figure out a little bit more about what the number 444 means for you and your life right now.
So first and foremost we have romance, as well as no need to worry so if you've been worrying about your romantic life about your love life. It's important for you to know that this is a big thing that your angels and your guides, want you to kind of just chill out about as I said to you, the number 444 is all about just giving assurance and letting you know that all as well and that is especially so in the romantic department you're meant to know that everything is going to be okay, and you have to stop worrying and stressing yourself out so much.

Then in the New Moon in Sagittarius, it is clear that luck is on your side right now. So that is another thing you were worried about, or you kind of really needed to hear. I want you to know that there's a reason why you tuned into this reading and there's a reason why you keep seeing the number 444 And that is exactly for you to come to this point where you know okay luck is on my side and let me take this little leap of faith that I've been thinking of. Then we have the immutable moon so one thing that you have to know is that nothing is set in stone, and nothing kind of has to be executed the way that you've thought it would potentially be executed.
So if you thought that you know, things wouldn't go so well in your romantic life maybe in your professional life, I want you to know that nothing is set in stone and no real decisions have been made yet. And it's important for you to also know that you always have the power and the opportunity to turn things around especially with luck, being on their side.

Then we have the new moon as well as the North Node. So there is a really fresh start coming for you, a fresh start, where you can move on from this anxiety and worry and feel like there is more stability because the number 4 is actually a number of stability which is why you're being kind of pushed to worry so much and to know that everything is going to be fine.
So I want you to know here at the New Moon that this stands for a new start, and the North Node is all about getting out of your comfort so I was stepping out of your comfort zone.
So, it seems as though the only way you can access this fresh beginning is by stepping out of that comfort zone and so we have a card that kind of wants to speak for itself.

We have the knight of pentacles. So the knight of pentacles, I see here that in correlation to things in the earthly realms okay your finances, your job, what you need to do is be your knight, if you will and a knight is somebody who takes action, and who is willing to kind of like, obey the orders that come from the King.
So, this could be either your boss, this could also be yourself if you feel like deep down inside, you have this weird feeling or this deeper connection to how you feel about your career or you feel as though the universe is speaking through you listen to it and take action on its behalf. But as I said it's important for you to always do things in the best interest of the team of the people around you, rather than only doing things in your own interest when it comes to your career.

Then we have the two of swords, the two of swords is all about making decisions directly. So we've briefly touched upon that, but the two of swords just really kind of reassures you that making decisions intuitively, is the right thing for you to do right now, especially if you're feeling anxious if you're feeling all sorts of ways just do a little bit of breath work some breath exercises some breathing exercises that will bring you back to a grounded state where you can actually hear your intuition and listen to it, instead of just freaking out.

Then we have the king of swords, as well as the five of cups. So, in the five of cups I want you to know that you can transform that energy into this King of Swords energy the five of cups energy is kind of a little bit all over the place you're trying to cling on desperately to, you know, things that make you feel safe and things that make you feel as though your thoughts and emotions are validated, but you don't need that I want you to know, hearing the king of swords, the King of Swords is somebody who is very well educated, and I don't mean going to an Ivy League school I mean well educated in kind of like self educating.

So they read a lot of books they understand how they work, how they function they understand the human psyche and how easy it is for your mind to have you freaking out tripping out, and they know how to kind of control that and combat that, so that could be with help of yoga, meditation, it could be just you know, like I said doing breath work, but it could also be just knowing that anxiety is nothing but that are happening in your head that hasn't translated yet, into the real world so the best thing for you to do is just chill, know that everything will be fine and not question every little thing that happens around you or every decision that you're trying to make.
So if you've been seeing the number 444 or 4:44 I hope that this was helpful, as well as insightful as well.
let’s see the next full details about angel number 555 or 5:55.


Meaning of 555 angel numbers – Angel number 555 or 5:55 meaning is this is also a angel secret number that can be a little bit chaotic and all over the place and it is also a number that just speaks of being spontaneous, as well as your personal freedom, So you're being urged to make big decisions as well as life choices but to also know that everything is
going to turn out okay .

So even if things seem a little chaotic and wild right now know that sometimes you just need to go through crazy situations. In order to come out the other end, stronger, and more enlightened so I will use a few cards just to figure out a little bit more about what these 555 number means for you right now so first and foremost we have the North Node, the North Node and correlation to the number 555 or 5:55 that you've been seeing is all about just trusting that, you know, anything that's happening right now is going to be replaced with something rare as well as the fact that everything happens for a reason so allow this step outside of your comfort zone to teach you and not to scare you so we have a few cards that just popped right out of your pile so let's see what we got here we have the first quarter moon we have to give us moon, as well as the new moon in leo so I'm going to start with the gibbous moon I want you to know here that you're closer than you thought to achieving your goal because sometimes with the number 555 It can seem like you're really far away from your goals and the things that you have wanted to achieve, but that is not the case.
And that is one thing that your guides are trying to communicate with you. The new moon in leo is that you need to know that being confident is the key to success for you, and it is the key to really getting to a point where you feel as though you don't need to fake it anymore.

You are just naturally confident with getting things done and doing what you need to do the first quarter moon is all about you know your commitment being tested so as we spoke about the number 555 is almost like a challenging number that is all over the place that is trying to test really how focused you are and really how much you want something, so if you can kind of stick through a difficult situation.

And know that things will be okay in the end or things will just kind of like turn out, or turn around for the better, then that is one thing that you know the number of 555 or 5:55 is here for you to embrace, so if you're able to do that.
I know that whatever comes out the other end is meant for you and it's going to be a really great positive change to your life, then we have the three of wands, as well as the ace of wands, so don't be afraid to bring new ideas into your life, or new ideas into the mix, so if you have ideas on how you can make your romantic life better your work life better speak about them, voice them and make them a part of your project, the three of wands is kind of about not being too focused on time.

So if you've been stressing out about not getting to where you want to be in life, in time, I want you to know and the three of ones that there's no point in doing that, I mean you don't need that three of wants to tell you that but I just want you to know that you know it's just time to let go of the old, and what does not serve you and stressing out about times is just, uh So 2000 late, I want you to know that it's not for you. It's just not helpful to your situation overall.
And it also does not have any positive impact on your life so it's absolutely not what you need right now and it is something that belongs to the old that belongs to things that have just arrived in your life at a time where you don't need it right now you don't need to stress about timing how much time you have left, it's more important for you to be immersed in the tasks at hand, as well as immersed in the moment, then we have weight, as well as, yes.

So I want you to know that ironically when you feel really stressed or when you feel like things are all over the place. What really helps is to just say yes to waiting to just say yes to meditation manifestation just doing anything that brings stillness into your life because it makes you feel like you actually have more time because you've been able to truly relax, and it just kind of chill out.

So we got a more of a part of your routine if you continuously see the number 555 or 5:55 and you feel kind of overwhelmed.

So I really hope that this article gave you a little more insight about these secret angel numbers and more of an explanation as to why you may be seeing this number. So let’s see full details about another angel number that is 666.


Meaning of 666 angel numbers – Angel number 666 or 6:66 meaning is this is if you continuously seeing the number 666 or 6:66 So contrary to many people's beliefs 666 is not a dangerous number it's not a devil number, the number 666 is actually a number of human benevolence is a number of charity, as well as just, you know, giving in a graceful manner, being there for other people, and just being also open to receiving help
If you know what I mean so the secret angel number 666 or 6:66 urges you to focus on your faith, as well as your spirituality, be open to receiving help, as well as focus on prosperity as this 666 number is all about charity and charity is not just you giving, but it's also about you receiving so, while continuously speaking about the number of 666 or 6:66 I want to use a few cards in order to clarify what this 666 or 6:66 number means in your life right now so we have a wage as well as look for a sign, so don't rush anything right now.

Okay, it's important for you to give yourself time to look for the signs and also maybe wait for a few more 666, to turn up in your life to know that this message is really meant for you because this 666 number is all about integrity care, Grace, as well as just reliability.
So it's important for you to balance your thoughts, worries as well as concerns when it comes to your finances when you see this 6:66 number.

So, if you've been really worried about those things, know that this 666 number is trying to get you to chill out.
If you feel like you need to see a few more of these numbers before you can really trust that these messages are for you the number of 666 is not a stressful number, not a number that wants to do things quickly.
That is one that gives you time and will just send more of its little workers into your life and more of the number of 666 for you to really be sure that you're meant to receive these messages.
Then we have the three of wands, which is all about you knowing that, you know, now's the right time to help, now's the right time for charity. Sometimes we just say to ourselves, Well,how like, do way more charitable work when I have a lot more time or a lot more money, now is the right time.

Okay, so stop putting it off, even if you just donate $1- $5 it’s already a lot more than nothing. It's really; you know something tangible and just saying to yourself, you'll do it later.

It's not participating in actuality, so I'm not trying to call you out. I'm just trying to convey to you the messages that I see here in correlation to the number 666 then we have the world doing things that are charitable even though you may feel like oh I'm not ready.

Or I'll do it when I have more X Y and Z. I see that that is really just keeping you further away from the world which is the most favorable card, arguably within the Tarot, and it is a card that speaks of just bliss happiness and being in a state where you feel like you're not lacking anything so know that the more you give, when you see this 666 number, the more you will receive, and the more abundance will come towards you so keep in mind how important it is when you continuously see this number to ask yourself, How much am I really willing to give, and also receive if you're just giving, and never receiving know that the balance isn't there.

And remember, 666 is also about balance, then we have the six of swords, as well as the nine of swords, so I want you to kind of try and not worry so much, especially when it comes to receiving okay the nine of swords especially, is about nightmares, it's about worries, it's about things that are just going on, mentally and that is like the main thing about this card about the nine of swords, these worries and nightmares have not yet transpired into reality, they're all just in your head, which is why it's important for you to monitor them, and to not allow them to affect you negatively.

So, the number 666 / 6:66 continuously shows up for you remind yourself that all the things you're stressing about have not come to fruition okay they're not real. So it's important for you to kind of like sail away from them if you will, that is one thing that I see here in the six of swords, and look for thoughts that are more supportive of who you are, and more supportive of just like your journey in general.

Then we have the mutable moon, as well as the New Moon in Capricorn. So, in the New Moon in Capricorn, I want you to know that hard work that you're putting in is paying off the number 666 is an indication that you know the work you've put in as a good you've done, just allow a little bit of time allow a little bit to just develop in order to really reap all the benefits and rewards from being somebody who is giving and caring, and the mutable moon I see here that you know, it's also essential for you to be okay with changing your mind so if you for instance, wanted to volunteer, when it comes to teaching helping other human beings.

But now you kind of feel more connected to animals for because of whatever like experiences that you've made with other people that have put you off with them if you will, this is just an example of course, know that it's okay, nothing is set in stone, you can change your mind.

The most important thing is to just follow what in your heart, is the most charitable and loving thing that you can possibly do.
Then we have the New Moon in Taurus, as well as the full Moon in Scorpio. So the Full Moon in Scorpio, I see here that the number 666 is urging you to release negativity that is stopping you from doing what your journey is here in this world so if you've been really badly hurt other you've been really badly like betrayed by somebody, you have to like vote that negativity and not allow it to affect the next person that enters your life.

So what I mean by that is if for instance somebody with purple hair betrayed you. And now every time you see somebody with purple hair you think like that person's a traitor. It's not true. It's important for you to let go of that negativity. I know that our brain is an artifact of our pasts, so whatever you've experienced in the past, it is inevitably going to shape what you think and sometimes it's a good thing, obviously if you learned how to put your finger in a fire or you'll hurt yourself.

That is the artifact that is powerful, that is a part of history in your head. That is helpful because now you know not to do that because you will experience pain but it's very important for you to know that you have to let go of any negativity that is connected to something that was just like a coincidence or a lesson that doesn't mean that each one of those encounters has to be the same so not everybody with purple hair has to be a trader, you know what I mean.
So in the New Moon in Taurus, I want you to know here, and the number 666 that prosperity lies ahead. It's important for you to know that there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

There's really like a little gold mine that lies ahead, that is waiting for you. And that is why you continuously see this number so stay motivated, stay positive, and I hope that this reading and this explanation of why you continuously see this 666 number was insightful and helpful let me know down below in the comment section and yeah I will either see you in my upcoming articles.So lets see all about the secret angel number 777 or 7:77 full details.


Meaning of 777 angel numbers – Angel number 777 or 7:77 meaning is if you continuously see the number is 777 I want you to know first and foremost that this number 777 is an indication that now is an amazing time for you to look into higher forms of learning, spiritual connection as well as just being of service to other people you have amazing gifts that need to be embraced.

Right now, that is why the number 777 continuously pushes you to learn, to grow and to just find your higher self.
So engage in hobbies and pastimes that actively inspire you to share your viewpoints to share, you know your spiritual self, as well as you know just embrace yourself, as well as all of your unique abilities.

That is one thing that the number 777 / 7:77 is trying to urge you to do while I continue to talk about this angel's secret number and what it means to you right now, I will use a few cards in order to clarify certain points, so we have the new moon eclipse, as well as the new moon in cancer it's important for you to know here in the new moon in cancer that you and your loved ones are safe so if you felt kind of worried or felt a little bit all over the place emotionally and like you can't really focus.

This is just the reassurance that you need to know that your loved ones are safe and that it's okay for you to just be here to spiritually evolve, that is what the number 777 is about.

It is about your spiritual evolution and to know that you're here to do just that. In the new moon eclipse. There is powerful change coming you may have already kind of like thought that when hearing about the number 777.
So it's almost like a no brainer if you focus on your spiritual evolution, and you put that first alongside embracing yourself and your natural abilities that powerful changes are coming up for you in your life, then we have the five of wands, we have the five of cups, as well as the three of cups.

So we have the number five, two times within here I know we're talking about 777 that I just want you to know, in the number five, that that is a number that just kind of stays a little bit of a challenge and a little bit of like obstacles.
So I want you to know that when you engage in pastimes and hobbies that challenge and embrace you spiritually.
You will then learn to overcome a blockages, such as writer blockage just any kind of creative blockage, that is one thing that I see the five of wands.

If you're unable to move forward in a creative project, and the five of cups is the same thing, just emotionally so emotional blockages, emotional things that are kind of keeping you captive a little bit and stopping you from moving forward. So, the number 777 really helps you move through those blockages, destroy those blockages and move into better energetic fields, and the three of cups I want you to focus on having fun.

Don't focus on scarcity focus on everything that makes you feel blissful, that makes you feel fortunate and that just makes you feel happy.

Okay, the three of cups is all about being in a space where you're enjoying the people that are in your life, as well as just enjoying the experiences that you get to share with them. Then we have perfect timing, as well as your reading.
So it's important for you to know that you're ready for this change for this powerful change that is coming, and announced in the number 777 So, you may feel real heat and nervous when you see this number, it may make you uneasy for some reason, and that is because, you know deep down that this change is coming and that it's inevitable, so it's most likely you moving into more kind of spiritual enlightenment or shall I say epiphany is where you understand more of the cosmos, more of who you truly are and where you also learn to let go of yourself more where you learn to become less of view, and more of just this consciousness and understanding.

So I want you to know that you're ready. Don't be afraid of it, having less of you, it does not equate to you not being there anymore is what I'm trying to say it does not equate to you not existing. It just equates to you, being able to get out of your own way more than you've been able to in the past, then we have the New Moon in Capricorn, as well as the New Moon in Taurus, so new moons are usually all about you know fresh beginnings and powerful manifestation energies, hearing the New Moon in Taurus, I want you to know that next time you see the number 777 know that prosperity lies ahead for you know that good things are coming, and allow you to know that the allows you to know that the number is 777 or 7:77 means that the time has come to reap the rewards of all of the hard work that you have put in, and it's actually so fun that we received the New Moon in Capricorn, because the new moon and Capricorn are all about your hard work paid off. If you want to watch then go through this link WHAT ARE ANGEL NUMBERS


And that is what 777 stand for hard work finally paying off. So if you continuously see this 777 number, know that that is the indication that you're finally going to reap the rewards of all of the work that you've put in that you're finally going to get the recognition that you deserve.

So I hope that this was insightful I hope that it gave you a good idea as to why you continuously see this number let me know down in the comment section what hit home for you, and in what correlation you've been seeing these Angel

WHAT DOES 888,999,000,1010,1111,2222,... MEAN IN ANGEL NUMBERS