The Tiger And The Cat

in #animal7 years ago


The Tiger and the Cat lived in the forest, they were friends. They spoke the same language and they often talked to each other. But the Tiger had a deep voice and the Cat had a high voice. When the Tiger was angry, it growled, it made a very loud deep noise. When the cat was angry, it made a high noise, but it was not a very loud noise.

Can you teach me to growl? Asked the cat.
It's very easy to growl, said the Tiger.
If you reach me to growl, I will teach you two things.
What two things will you teach me? Asked the Tiger.
I will teach you to climb trees and also a new way to kill animals without blood on your body.
That is good said the Tiger, I have wanted to climb trees. So the Tiger taught the cat to growl. The Tiger held up it's head, opened it's mouth and it made a loud, angry deep growl.
The cat tried to growl too, but the car could only make a high noise. And it was still not very loud.
Try again said the Tiger.
The cat tried and tried, it held up its head, opened its mouth. At last it made an angry noise. It was a high noise but it was a very angry noise. And it was very loud.
You are a clever cat said the Tiger. You learn things so quickly. Now teach me to climb trees. Then teach me how to kill without blood.
The cat jumped up into a tree. It's easy to climb a tree, it said.
Teach me to do it, said the Tiger.
You will have to catch me first, said the cat. Climb up this tree and catch me.
But I can't catch you if you don't teach me to climb trees, said the Tiger.
You are not very clever said the cat. When you catch me I will teach you to climb trees.
The cat jumped to another tree. The Tiger could not follow the cat.
You are a bad cat, said the Tiger, I taught you to growl, now you won't teach me to climb trees.
You are bigger than me, said the cat. If we both on the ground, you will catch me easily, then you will kill me. But I can climb trees easily. You cannot catch me in the trees.
If I ever catch you on ground, I will kill you. Said the Tiger.
Then you will never learn to climb trees said the cat. Goodbye!

The cat jumped to another tree and it disappeared.

Today, tiger still cannot climb trees. And tigers have never learnt to kill without blood.


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