Endemic animals endangered Sumatran island

Sumatra Island is one of the islands located in the country of Indonesia, on the island of Sumatra there are many wild animals. Where the island of Sumatra there are endemic animals typical of Sumatra island, even the animals on the island of Sumatra are not found in other islands in Indonesia such as, Sumatran tigers and Sumatran elephants, and Sumatran rhinoceros.
Here's a list of some endemic animals / animals on the island of Sumatra :

The Sumatran rhinoceros is one of the rhinocerotidae family and one of the five (5) species of rhinoceros, the Sumatran rhinoceros is the smallest type of rhinoceros and one endemic animal of the endangered Sumatran island.

The Sumatran orang-utan is one of the rarest species of orang-utan, in which the species is becoming endangered.

Sumatran elephants are a subspecies of Asian elephants, Sumatran elephants live only in Sumatran nature, the Sumatran elephants are smaller than Indian elephants. Sumatran elephants are categorized in the red category, as highly endangered animals.

The Asian tapir is the only tapir in Asia and the tapir is also on the island of Sumatra, this animal including endangered animals.

These are just some of the endangered rare animals on the island of Sumatra, where there are still a number of other animals that are also threatened with extinction on the island of Sumatra.
Useful postings, great post