Cut guessing, just cat loving!

in #animal7 years ago


I am a biased judge between bad dogs and bad human. I am 100% always absolutely go for pet dogs, stray dogs, and other animals.
Speaking of pets and other animals, instead of dogs, I am talking about cats for today.

Let me share with you the ways to make friends with cats.

They said cats are illogical and unpredictable, but it doesn't mean they can't be all friendly and sweet. let's try to learn their language to get the best deal of friendship with these furry animals.



  • When you see a cat with tail raised upward and curled, this means your furry friend is happy

  • Twitches, like dogs, when cat twitches, it means they are either excited or worried about something.

  • Same thing with twitches, when you see this furry creature juts out his tail on a different directions, it's also excited and threatened. Cats does this most likely when their is an enemy. He want to show that he is big and scary to fight with too.

  • It is different too when you see your cat's tail vibrates. It simply means he is glad to see you.

  • He sticks his tail straight up and bend its back to form letter "N". You need to pay attention to this, It could mean great
    aggression and self defense. If you think your cat is wrong for thinking their is an upcoming danger, try to calm him by petting him.

  • If his tail is inclined in a bit low angle, watch for the 45 degree angle, it is either a friend or an enemy coming.

  • But when the tail is lowered to the ground, tuck their tails between their paws, they are probably guilty of somehting. Start walking around the house, you might see a result of a naughty cat doing.

  • Wagging his tail from side to side means he wants to play. But if it wags it sharply, it means he is angry. best to leave him alone or check out why and the reason why he felt that way.



  • Dilated pupil means he is having a strong emotion. Either playfulness, agitation or fright. Most of the time, it happens when a cat is new to his human house or a house is new to the family. Let him examin the ground and check all corners for his own comfort.
  • Once done with checking and saw him slowly blinking, it is a good sign. it emans he is now settled. felt safe and secured.

  • Happiness is when your cat looks at your eyes directly, it meant he trusts you and he is happy having you around!


  • The time you notice your cat rubbing against you, be proud as he is. He is marking his territory and property.

  • Next thing to notice is when your cat poke his wet nose on you. it also shows comfortability.

  • Do you want to know when is the time your cat is saying hi and hello to you? It is when he is rubbing his head, side, and tail to you.

  • When your cat licks you, it means he considers you a part of him.

  • Have your cat eaten your hair? He is simply trying to clean you. It sounds funny but it's a sign of strong love adn trust.

  • Cats are so clingy, but there are times they want to be alone. They will show you by biting you gently.



  • I have not seen a cat raising its nose and throws its head towards a person, but it was said that when a cat does that, he meant to tell that person walking pass though him.. " I see you."

  • Like human, cats also would like to be noticed when at home. They make this little short sound to announce their presence when they were in a room. Medium length means they are requesting for a food. While a long meow means they are glad to see you after a long time/day.

  • Low sound could possibly means dissatisfaction and a loud meow indicates strong and urgent demand which usually happens when they are asking for more food.

If you want your cat to trust you, it will be of great help knowing you can do two other things like, when putting them down on floor, make sure you let them go only once their paws reached the floor.

When stroking your cat, they like it when you pay full attention and look them in the eye while you position your legs crossed for them to snuggle on. After such, your cat will reciprocate the love, trust, security and comfort.

Now go and pet your cat. Have a great day and thank you for time reading!



If you've ever been cornered by a domestic house cat who's angry with you, you'll believe what this post says. On the other hand, all the many cats I've owned, except for one, has been sweet, sweet little bundles of loving joy.

I observed that female cats are more clingy and love cuddles.

Good to know 😺