Share The Love Tell Someone You Love Them!
John 3:16 For God so love the world he gave his only begotten son. That who ever believe in him should not parish
but have ever lasting life.....
Sometimes whe take things for granted and forget what we have in front of us. We wish to have the things in front of
us like money, cars, House ,clothes nice things . We don't take the time to see what the real values we have in front of
us like Family, Friends and your belifes in life like are goals. So the next time you see someone tell them how you love them and what they mean in your life . Take the time to stop and see the true values in life . Love your self because life is to short its like a blink of an eyes. . This is a true value I take and strongly keep close . Theses days in the world its getting to be like its all about me . People fighting and not showing love . If we can just share imagine what a word are
showing we care can make a impact on life.