Can Anyone Guess The Name Of This Caterpillar .

in #animal7 years ago

while watering the trees and plants in my garden i suddenly saw this poor caterpillar crawling on the ground.
i don't know of which species it belongs but the problem was that i didn't know from where it came from.
if i would do nothing it will surely die in a few minutes. i started searching for in the leaves above right top of where i found it and after sometimes i was unable to find a second one. there were two more in the trees feeding themselves on the leaves of the tree and resting there . i took this one with the help of a stick and put it at that place.
ahh the feeling was awesome , it doesn't matters for me whether i save a huge animal or a small insect but what matters is the little act of kindness which we must show to every living being.


----------------------love steeming------------------
