False myths about cats

in #animal6 years ago

False myths about cats

We collect the false beliefs about more frequent cats. Eye, that there are still some who think that black cats give bad luck.


The cat is the enigmatic mascot par excellence. His way of being and his character, more reflective and even we could say meditative, as well as the independence of which he shows have contributed to create that aura of mystery that surrounds him.

Neither black cats give bad luck nor fall always standing

Do not forget that the cat has been in literature, cinema and collective imagination the mascot of witches. The latter has nothing casual and is that this animal was the victim of massacres between the twelfth and sixteenth centuries in England, France, Switzerland and Germany for being considered a vehicle of evil spirits and even the personification of Satan. They ran the same fate as women burned by "witches". The surprising thing is that after the years, still remains a small reminiscence of these brutal acts. We are referring to the false and unjustified belief that black cats give bad luck. Again think of the typical cat that accompanies a witch. What color is it?

An animal can never be a carrier of good or bad luck, neither a color nor an animal of a specific color. The tonality of the cat's fur is determined by its genetic inheritance, no more, no less. Beware of this because it is striking the large number of black animals, not just cats, that wait in protective and are not adopted.

Not so esoteric but equally wrong is the argument that cats always fall on their feet. Pussies are able to straighten their body in the air, while they are falling to land with all four legs and not crash. However, this does not happen 100% of the time a cat rushes to the ground. In fact, if you fall from a very low height, you may not have time to turn around and end up hurting yourself. With this, obviously, we're not saying it's better for the cat to rush for a seventh ...

Next, we dismantle the most frequent myths about the cats that are still spreading today, false beliefs that we should eliminate from the face of the Earth.

Cats always fall on their feet

Cats have the ability to straighten the position of their body in the air to try to fall on their feet, minimizing the impact on the ground. However, this does not always happen and the cat may not have time to turn around and fall to the ground. We do not mean that it is positive that the cat rushes from a great height, but that in smaller heights it may not give him time to straighten up.

Cats have 7 lives

Where did this fallacy come from? Perhaps it comes from the impressive agility with which these animals overcome dangers of all kinds ... In spite of everything, cats have the same number of lives as us: one!

Cats can drink milk

We all have in our memory the image of a cat drinking milk from a plate. Well, it is not recommended to give milk to cats. Cats eat their mother's milk (not the cow) when they are puppies and as they grow, lactase, the enzyme responsible for digesting the lactose present in milk, is disappearing from your body. As a consequence, if the cat drinks milk it will not digest lactose and may suffer serious gastrointestinal problems.

If a cat loses its whiskers, it will not have balance

The whiskers function as sensory organs that allow cats to calculate distance and space, not to balance.

The cat is wild and treacherous

Absolutely not. What must be taken into account is that cats are solitary animals by nature so in principle they will avoid contact with others. However, the increasing domestication they have experienced has made them more social. Of course, not at the level of dogs, which are gregarious and, therefore, highly social.