Thomas the cat boss

the cat

the inquisition

the toy

the camera lady

the mirror

the warning

the win

the end

photos by

Nikon D3100
Nikkor Lens 55mm f/1.8
Adobe Lightroom

©All rights reserved, 2018


Great shots! I love Thomas He is cool! Thank You for introducing him with a cute story.

Thomas is a brown and tan Bigz. And he's big too. He weighs about 20 pounds. Not only overweight, but he's just a big cat.

Very good looking cat! Great photos @countrygirl :)

Thank you so much @still-observer. I appreciate your feedback. :)

I love many times have I seen this look from our cats! Great photo story. We have a cat that looks very similar (is this your cat?) Always have to wonder what goes on in the mind of the cat!

Yes, this is our cat. We've had him for 12 years. He was abandoned on the Bruce Trail .... I wanted to name him Bruce but after a few days it didn't feel right. I tried Henry....then Thomas and it stuck. He's super intelligent and I trained him to fetch, meow on command - he won't be quiet on command though....pffff....who can tell a cat anything?

You have a tabby too? What's its name?

lol Thomas! I love it! We do have a tabby, her name is Scout! We have a second white cat named Charlotte. Both were rescue cats given to us by our daughters, both about 12 years old. Definitely opinionated, but we love them. Sounds like Thomas is quite talented! Not ours...they are pretty lazy, but they do talk quite a bit. We love them though!

All cats seem to think they're the boss... lol! That last photo is a very nice kitty portrait. He looks so charming and dapper! Great job focusing on his eyes, too :-)

Meowvelous shots!

So you know how I told you we were having nice cool weather? changed rapidly last night - I had to put on the a/c . It's 92F with the humidity and stormy. You jinxed us!! hahaha So I didn't go out wide angling.

The last one I entered in @derangedvisions contest. Yes, Thomas is charming and dapper.....and annoying. He talks too much. He's a character that's for sure. It's funny, his eyes used to be a beautiful emerald green but they have gotten lighter as he's aging. They are more yellow/green.

Thank mew for your comment :)

Eww... Nobody likes hot and humid! It's still nice-ish, here, but is heating up.

Yes, never call him Tom or Tommy - It's Thomas - He needs a black bowtie :)

He gave his bowtie to HP Oliver.

Nice story in form of photos! Does cat have a name? Nice shot of camera lady and the cat with the mirror.

Yes his name is Thomas :) Yes, the camera lady was not very welcome in that space that's for sure. She even brought "the toy" as a peace offering.

My grandson had a dog named Thomas and didn't like his space invaded either. Perhaps it's a thing with Thomas'?

Maybe....he used to be friendlier....but he's an old man now and gets snarly. I think he has arthritis and doesn't like to be brushed anymore - it probably hurts him. I love the name Thomas.

I think we all get a bit grumpier as we age. Don't want to be bothered a lot.

I don't know....I feel like I've mellowed.....I do hope I don't get grumpy.

I don't want to be grumpy but when I am tired, it sometimes sneaks out...

Oh I can get downright snappy when I'm tired. Especially if I go through bouts of insomnia.

The warning photo is the best haha

Scary cat face. Works for me :)

Beautiful photography and the kitty is so cute and I think he/she loves the camera. Perfect model

He likes what he likes......on his terms :) Thank you !

Interesting, cat facial expressions that say something. Is he (cat) angry because you photographed him?

Well he was upset that I was in his space - and he was enjoying the sunlight coming in from the window. And, he didn't like the camera beep. Fussy boy.

Loved this! His face is so expressive. :))

Glad you liked the photos @goldenoakfarm. :)