Mother Nature's Miracles - Pin-Feathers are SO cool!

in #animals7 years ago

I'm never failed to be amazed by mother nature. And when you work on the land and with animals, you really get a unique perspective. Reality stares back at your like a mirror. There's no vacuum sealed meat or pre-washed, chilled and transported cabbage - there's plant, animals and wonderful, glorious dirt.

MANY things amaze me; the speed that seed's germinate and the fact that flowers can track the sun across the sky, for example. Another thing that always gets me is the annual chicken moult. How is it that a hen can go from feathered, to bald, to porcupine and back to feathered so quickly?! I mean, YES - I KNOW it's biology, but isn't it marvellous?!

Autumn and moulting has seriously set my girls back in regards to laying. Of around 30 hens, I'm getting about six eggs a day. Actually, that's not that bad for this time of year. But I thought I'd show a few of my girls and how funny their moult is.

First up,here's Clumsy, my Chamois Poland frizzle. One day she was fine. The next she she'd gotten caught in an extractor fan!


This is what she normally looks like....


Then there's Goldie, the little Poland/Silkie cross. For MOST of last year, she looked a wreck until her pin feathers grew in. Then she looked like a hedgehog...


Until, VOILA, beautiful again!

Then there's Stumpy. Poor Stump is a case of 'when-genetics-go-wrong' but I couldn't bear to part with her despite her curled toes and funny shape. She has been bald for SO long - she couldn't get away from the roosters far enough and they used to have their wicked way with her. However, having cut my cockerel numbers significantly, she's moulting and growing in new feathers. She'll look marvellous....though there's a little way to go as yet.



Feathers coming in.

Getting there!

And finally, this little hen is an ex-battery hen I rescued in June along with four others. Sadly, I only have two left - these were 'free range' hens but really were in an awful condition. As you can see from the pictures, just one was fully feathered - the others nearly all had bald, scabbed backs and little tail.


It has taken MANY months of care, working, de-lousing and nurture...but we're getting there!


I'm utterly thrilled the girls are growing their feathers, and it's always a marvel to me. Mother Nature is SO cool!


You can find me on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Patreon


Your hens are the sweetest. Even when they look all goofy from molting. I have 3 hens, each is under 1 year old, and all three are laying reliably. When do they start to molt? I haven't noticed any feather loss - they are all quite fluffy! Thanks for saving those hens and for caring for them so well. You're good family for them!

They often don't moult in their first year at all, so they'll do it during their second autumn - by then feathers really have got quite tatty. You'll notice it when they do! :D

Goldie is gorgeous! When she's feathered that is! 😆

Hah! Yes, she's a bit of an ugly sister when bald.

Isn't nature grand! My poor girls are so naked from the fall molt!

Most of mine are back to normal now, but they've been balder this year than ever before!

Chooks are so much fun. Ours keep me laughing all the time, though they havent gone through a moult yet.

They really are funny! Moulting is hilarious in itself - one minute, lovely feathered chicken. shakes Bald.