Happy 4th! Introducing our new KITTY CAT! 🐱

in #animals7 years ago

Nothing says Independence Day like a new cat, right? Ok, maybe not, but last night some friends of ours brought this lovely baby to our little farm.

Introducing Fiona the Kitty


Fiona's Story

My daughter (14) has this friend who was out with her family in downtown San Antonio. They were hanging out near the river. Up by the parking lot was this dumpster and this one lonely kitty. They waited around for a while to see if there was a family of cats or a person, perhaps, that might have lost their kitten. Nope... just this one lonely kitty looking for food (we presume) around the dumpster. She is so small. It's weird that she was all alone.

Well, My daughter's friend has a strict no animals policy in her home so they called to see if we would like to give Biscuit (that's what she called the kitten) a home. We weren't really looking for a kitten at this point, but we agreed to take her in.


Within minutes of having this kitten, my daughter renamed her to Fiona. She wasn't sure why... she doesn't even look like an oger, Haha! She will spend several weeks being introduced to the farm in a safe controlled way. All along she'll be bathed, fed, vaccinated and LOVED.

I'm sure this isn't the last you've seen of Fiona 😏

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Thank you for sharing this time with me!


LOL You are such a softy! Must be why I enjoy your show so much, I see the human coming out in you my friend ;-) and yes that is a goal to reach for!

LOL Yes, you is good human. Fiona is a lucky girl!

I know how that goe Blake :) I "found" 4 cats-abandoned, thrown out etc. such a great thing you took little Fiona in! she wont eat much and she`ll catch you mice and rats that want to eat your garden lol and most of all she will give all of you unconditional love, like every animal does...she sure do look tiny, mal nurished...her face show she is older than her size is but I know you guys going to spoil her rotten lol...love the post resteemed and upvoted!

We spoil all the animals LOL. She is very tiny. I'm hoping she can put a little meat on her bones :)

And now for some irresistible clickbait.
Nope, I'm not complaining one little bit while I fully surrender to your Skinnerian techniques.

Why else would you get a new kitty besides some lovely clickbait opportunities LOL

call me when you get puppies ;-)

Thank you for saving this sweet baby! My daughters kitty is also a rescue and has some "special issues" . We believe his tail must have been caught in a trap as the tip of his tail is stubby. He has chronic allergies and when he went in to be neutered they called to say he ALSO needed a spay! He is a hermaphrodite!!! She loves that kitty more than any animal we've ever owned! Rescues are the best kind of pet!!! <3

I'm sure she will help lots in and around the garden just like pumpkin :) thanks for sharing

What an adorable addition to the family. Can't wait to meet her.

Fiona you are lovely. Happy you are in a loving home. Please read our story's about Bella and Ace.