Terrarium story continuation
Hi, guys!
Seems like our girls are getting along, despite the fact that they're yet of really different sizes. I would even say more - Gerda is more confident and impudent, again, despite the fact tat she is the smaller one.
Today I noticed Jar-Jar talking "sun bath" under the infrared lamp. Actually it's quite cold in our house at the moment, so this lamp helps me to give my geckos enough heat, and they need it a lot.
They are so funny when they are in the same hiding place. Seems like Jar-Jar thinks that Gerda is something too small to pay attention on, and Gerda thinks that Jar-Jar is some kind of a rock to climb at. Sometimes she steps on Jar-Jar's head. Too bad I can't catch the moment and show you Jar'Jar's face when it happens:)
I wish you all the best and will be happy if you'll support me with vote:)
Love, Inber

Geckos are fascinating creatures, being able to grow back missing limbs seems like a bit of a super power lol
Surprised/exasperated lizard face is probably pretty amusing XD
It looks like WTF?:):):)
Good @inber..
I like this posting.
hopefully you add success yes
beautiful animals photography job!
that's great reflection.
Beautiful photos
Hey @inber
Its very nice post and informative about #Gerda. Your article is wonderful on animal. This very cute and good snapshot.
Keep it sharing
Amaizing color they have. I liked a lot the photographies.
Wow its nice ..i just posted a same animals