Kid's Collaborate

in #animals6 years ago

It’s the first time Leafhopper Farm has had a “gang” of kids running together in the larger herd. They are most often together exploring, grazing, or laying in a big pile. There is a lot more behavior to watch with this more complex herd structure. The two male goats (Gwern and Proctor) spend a lot of time pushing each other around, mounting, and head butting. They are also the most likely to wander over to their dad, Brock, who they also butt heads with. They are still small, and Brock is so gentle, but firm. He’ll also graze calmly as shown in these photos.

Proctor seems to be the most watchful and aware. He always puts eyes on me when I come around, and often checks in with his mom, Brownie. As lead doe in the herd, Brownie has the wisdom in the group, and I’m glad to see her son taking after her as a watchful, observant goat. His sister Gamble, is a lot more care free, spending more time romping around in her own little world. She also tends to stick closer to her mom, Brownie, and watches the world passively, compared to her brothers. Gwern had a larger frame, and was born a week before his half siblings. He was pushing everyone else around a lot at the beginning, but now the three kids seem to be balanced out, enjoying their effort in exploration together more than alone (herd animals).

The kids are at an age of great activity, and lots of fun antics. I found all three kids crammed into the out house today, and they flew out together at once in a pile of cream colored velvet, flowing into the lush green grass. In the morning when I let everyone out for grazing, the kids sometimes get distracted and wander off instead of following the rest of the herd down the hill. When the realize the other adult goats are gone, a high pitched orchestra of bleating comes flying down the hill through the underbrush as kids pop out of the bramble and slide under their doe’s udder for some milk courage and maternal reassurance.

The kids are healthy, happy, and growing up fast. I’ll continue to soak up the cute weeks of babyhood and learning that these newest members of The Leafhopper Farm goat herd. We plan to weather the two boys, as our virile breeding buck Brockstaro is a great daddy goat, and gentle teacher for the young ones. I’m curious to see what size these kids grow to with their Nigerian Dwarf and American Boer genes together. I’m betting Gwern stays smaller, while his half siblings Proctor and Gamble, grow larger. I’m guessing this based on the leg length of the twins. Time will tell!

Liz Crain

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