We Finally Put Up Our BAT HOUSE!

in #animals7 years ago

We finally got around to doing it; we put up the bat house. I actually made this bat house back when we were in Ohio and then we transported it over here to Missouri when we moved this past summer. I had so many other major projects to do, I just never had the chance to get around to this small project. You know how that is, right? Anyway, here is the bat house:

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Yeah, it is blue, which is probably not the optimal color for it, but it was the only extra exterior paint that I had. I am hoping that it will absorb enough heat to attract bats. Since Missouri is so much warmer than Ohio, I think it might be okay.

If you look at this next picture, you will see that our bat house actually has two layers. That way, it can hold a whole bunch of bats.


Stepping back a little bit from the bat house, you can see that I placed it a good distance up a pole. It is actually an old electric service pole. At one point in the past, our barn had electric service, but at some point before we got here, the service was cut. Thankfully, they left the pole!


Attaching a flat object to a round pole can be somewhat challenging, but I rigged up this system of 2x4s to help keep it more stable. I did the same thing with the clothesline, and it has worked great even with a LOT of tension on the lines.


All-in-all, I am very happy with it. And I encourage all of my fellow homesteaders (and anyone else, too!) to think about putting up a bat house. They are super beneficial creatures to have around. I just hope they like the house I made them!

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Awesome! Bats are great for getting rid of bugs. What part of Ohio?

We were up in northeast Ohio with all the snow! Thankful to be a little ways away from there. :)

I live in West Central Ohio hoping to get out of the snow soon also.

It is amazing how much of a difference just a few degrees latitude will do! Here we get next to nothing. It is great!

We have a bat that makes his way into the house every night doing loop de loops eating all sorts of insects. My sons have named him, Errol!

Back in the fall, we were able to see bats doing the same around here. It was amazing to watch them. Such beautifully-designed creatures!

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It surprises me that they live in that shape of a house. Idk how they can get in there.

Right?!? It is supposed to mimic the spaces between peeling bark and a tree. One of their favorite natural habitats in the forest is under the bark of a shagbark hickory tree! Kinda similar in idea to these houses.

We have a friend who built us a bat house and gave it to us late last fall. It’s on the list but I’m so excited to get it up. In the summer when we sit outside in the evenings we can watch the bats diving and flying around over our back yard. I just love them!

It is one of my favorite parts of the warmer times of the year. I have fond memories of our first summer here with bat-filled evenings. Baking pizza in the outdoor oven and watching the bats come out and keep our air clear of mosquitoes. What could be better?

Cool! I hope you have some 'takers' on the deal.

I am hoping it is one of those "build it and they will come" sorta deals. :)

I like the idea of a bat box. I put one up a few years ago. We are still waiting for our first bat. The problem we have is that we cannot seem to keep the wasps out of it. I wish you the success we have not had.

Hmm...I wonder if there is a good way to keep out the wasps. I can't think of anything at the time, but I have very little experience at this point. Pesticides are out of the question. Hmm... I guess we will see.

How do you get the wasps out once they are in there? Just wait until winter and clean it out?