The Beauty of Chaos | Anime Gold #19
The world is full of mysteries but even more mysterious is the innumerous facets of the human mind.

Rampo Kitan: Game of Laplace
In Ranpo Kittan: Game of Laplace we follow the story of two young students dragged into the world of investigative police work. They join Kogoro Akechi a 17 year old boy who deals with the most bizarre and horrific crimes for the fun of it. However having shown incredible results was given a special permit by the Government.
Opening Theme Song | Speed to Masatsu by amazarashi
This series explores the darkest corners of the human psych through it's multiple dark cases. Slowly trying to answer questions that many have pondered over centuries, how does the human mind work, what is good and evil and can we control any of it?

P.S. The opening theme song has some powerful lyrics to it but to me the ending is the best representation of the tone of this anime.
Ending Theme Song | Mikazuki by Sayuri
Anime Info
Genre: Dark/ Mystery/ Psychology
Written by Makoto Uezu
Music by Masaru Yokoyama
Studios: Lerche