The Deeper State of the Union - A Call to Anons!

in #anons7 years ago (edited)

The deeper state of the union is a whirlpool of dissonance orbiting an endless rabbit hole of information. The endless center is a spiral eye of blackness that pierces right through our dimension. None of us know what is real. On the surface of this whirlpool the waters are so much stiller. Here the truths seem simple, and the lies are mostly harmless. Up here, everything is true, except the tooth fairy. We figured that out one morning over breakfast. It causes a ripple but our raft remains steady. As we drift along painting animals in the clouds as our fingers bravely stroke the water.

We find out Santa Claus is a fraud and the Easter Bunny also. We're too distracted to notice the tide is starting to take us. Our heroes lose their luster as we hear rumors of imperfection. Our teachers gaze off in retreat when we ask them tougher questions. We find out, no one has been bothering to find out anymore. The heroes in the media turn out to be reading cue cards. The comedians on television all have the same agenda. Cosmology in the school is sacrilegious and watching international news is now considered colluding with the enemy.

Half the country is still offended by an NBC tape used as a political weapon in the "Love Trumps Hate" campaign. On that tape, Donald Trump explained that he was a Jersey Baller and all the ladies were mesmerized by him to such a degree that he could grab them anywhere and they would enjoy it. People were so offended by his words they took to the streets and chanted them over-and-over again and painted them on signs. It was so offensive media outlets began covering these offended people and spreading the offending words for everyone to see. Soon the whole world was offended by the audio property owned and held by NBC.

Do you see the pattern?
Project Mockingbird was/is a program by the CIA to infiltrate the media. Haven't you noticed each network uses the same catch phrases. They can spin the stories positive or negative but the phrases are always universal. Repetition becomes truth in the land of lies. This is the call of the Mockingbird. This isn't a rumor. This isn't conjecture. You can look this up right now if you doubt me. It's one of the few truths I can verify in writing. That's the easy part.

Last night, on the surface, President Trump delivered his first State of the Union to the faces of our country's' political elite. What we know is that we can never be sure. What we see, can never be corroborated. Here's the best guess from all the rumors and reporting:

  1. Julian Assange has been cleared of all charges and granted passage in the UK. Additional precautions were secured to insure Assange could be transported without interference from British operatives.

  2. A state of emergency is in effect granting the federal government the power to cease assets and property as related to worldwide human trafficking violations. This in effect grants federal agents, including the military, rights that our constitution strictly forbids.

  3. A memo may be released outlining a plan by the deep state to secure an election by any means necessary. This memo exposes the deep state for all of its crimes including those surrounding a controlled election, the murder of Seth Rich by MS13, and the elite human trafficking rings that feed our current crime state. This is not a political party issue. This is a psychopath issue.

  4. The social upheaval will continue to be contrived and manipulated to control us. Charlottesville was a staged event. There was one nazi flag in the entire town and it still had fresh creases from China. The police hurded angry americans like cattle into a battle. The Lusitania, The Gulf of Tonkin. This is how the Deep State rumbles. The empathy of the masses is turned against us year-after-year news cycle after news cycle.

The truth is, we will never know. This rabbit hole will never have an ending. The deeper you go, the harder it is to breathe. This journey of the Anon, is not an easy one. It will bring you zero joy. It will cost you many things you haven't considered. This quest for truth will never be satisfied and it has no reward. Anon is a moth and the only truth you will find is on the other side of the flame. It will destroy you to fully understand the minds that gather around the Star of David.

The great pyramid has but one decoration. On the north door is a portal. Above this portal is an eye. This eye is cut in such a way where the pyramid was once open. For miles and miles, you would see this eye above the doorway. This is the Eye of Horus. I believe this pyramid served as a preservation of power and information. I believe there are people in this world who are light years ahead of the rest of us due to advantages secured by their ancestors for centuries and eons before them. I do not pretend to understand what this knowledge contains or where it is from. It is gnostic and hidden from me for a reason. I am not one of them. For if i was, I would probably blow their secret. I would want to share it so badly, it would break my covenant.

These groups hold a covenant with each other that cannot be broken. I believe they are initiated into doing terrible things in front of each other. Possibly these things are recorded to secure their loyalty to the organization. These are the very same entities which John F Kennedy warned us about. The very same entities responsible for his death. The very same that are ruling us today.

I want to remind everyone that on Aug 21st of 2017 the USS John S. McCain was hit dead center by the ocean's largest vessel, the oil tanker. I was in the Navy and served in the Sonar station alongside fire control. I know how a ship is controlled and the SS McCain was hacked and driven under its own power straight into the path of the oil tanker, it was then stalled so the tanker would collide with it. This is our nation's most armed ship taken captive in broad daylight. I remind everyone, these very same forces were unable to defend our domestic airspace during the 9/11 attacks.



Our country needs you right now. It needs you to bear the brunt of insults and ridicule as you sound the alarm. We need lamplighters and the job isn't easy. People are going to say you are wearing tinfoil. And you will probably be called a few names. You might lose a client, or a job you really needed. I'm not asking you to sacrifice yourself, but I do beg you to start taking some chances. You will find allies in the strangest of places. Now's a good time to reach out because of all this momentum.

Congressman Scalise was shot for a reason. It's no coincidence he had just put out a PSA on human trafficking. There will be another false flag. The train wreck in Virginia could turn out to be one. You will probably never know for sure though. That's why we call it a rabbit hole though. You are Anon! Claim it as I have do so here. Spread the word, listen to your gut and give it a voice. Tell people what you are thinking. it helps more than you can ever realize. It shakes the tree and pulls open the emerald curtain.

“But what do we mean by the American Revolution? … The revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people”
-John Adams