Anxiety remedies that work part 4: Inositol

in #anxiety-remedies7 years ago (edited)

This one is most efficient (especially for the ladies), a bit of a strange substance, it used to be called vitamin B8, but it's no longer considered a vitamin... Inositol is a "carbocyclic sugar". Inositol is found in many types of food, especially fruit, like cantaloupes/melons and citrus fruit.

Image source: @friendly-fenix

It works

Inositol works against anxiety and even panic-attacks, inositol's actions are mostly unknown, or at least that was my conclusion after my somewhat brief research, but it works by helping out and balancing the neurotransmitters in the brain somehow.

I have read that bipolar people who take lithium, have low inositol levels, drinking loads of coffee also lowers the inositol levels, if you are (like me) a serious coffee-addict with the jitters all the time you probably have low inositol levels.

If I tried to go into detail about the action of neurotransmitters and inositol I might disinform you, so instead Im going to speak from experience.

Testing inositol on a anxious person:

I put about 5 grams of inositol in the coffee of a very anxious person, the test subject is now two hours later feeling great and is no longer tormented by any weird and uncomfortable anxiety, (don't worry I didn't do this to someone else the test subject was myself).
Image source: @friendly-fenix

The problem with inositol

Since this is a legal and fairly natural substance you would wonder why Im not taking this all the time, and this is because of the side-effects. Im a man an inositol lowers the testosterone levels, (if you are a man having at least a normal amount of testosterone in your body is pretty cool, so this is why I don't mess around with inositol so much)...

For women who are trying inositol, this side-effect might not be such a big problem, it's also said that inositol might help with PMS and PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)...

One more side-effect, it can irritate your bowel a bit, so combining it with ginger could be a good idea, and the noise your stomach makes after larger doses can be pretty intense, so don't go on a date after taking this.


1-5 grams to stop "normal anxiety"
5-10 grams to stop "strong anxiety"
15-20 grams to stop "a panic-attack"

Rating 4 stars out of 5


Where can I get it?

I sourced my inositol online, for cheap. Check your local "health-supplement store" or just order it online. I guess you could also eat a whole bunch of tangerines or something...

(Do some research before you order inositol and try to test it on yourself, and don't give inositol to infants or children, at least not with out consulting a doctor first)...


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Ah, I was wondering why the ladies in my family all love tangerines so much!
(Could be a coincidence, of course :) )

P.S. Is it just me, or does Steempeak not have a Resteem button?

Thank you for the comment!!!
There could be a connection,
anyway keeping some tangerines in
a bowl at home is always a good thing...
Just in case...



I have not tried Steempeak?
(or maybe the missing resteem button
is a part of a conspiracy!!! Maybe "big-pharma" is trying
to silence the people using natural alternatives??? 😁)


Your very much right about the big guys withholding information from us all. I have spent many years in the belly of the beast so to speak, in and out of hospitals and on the vast majority of pain, anxiety and “mood” related medications. Fact is that there exists many cures for many ailments that we are not told about because the beast must continue to be fed. As corny as it sounds though I believe that in the end the best medicine really is love, both from others and for yourself. Unfortunately it seems also the hardest remedy to apply. Go figure.

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Thanks for the kind and honest comment, I understand where you are coming from. Im trying to lift some of these alternative cures to the surface... And yes love is amazing, but tricky.

Much love and keep up the good work!!!


i will keep my eyes open for some, might do the trick :)

Yeah, probably, that seems to be inositol combined with choline (another compound), just read up on it, and consider the benefits versus the side effects. But I think anyone who is a bit anxious should have some at home because why not? I ordered mine in bulk, because you need such large doses...

You could try a vendor like this:

Thanks for your comment, I hope this helps!


Thank you , I will have a shop around 😀

Cool man! Best of luck! 😀


I will have to try it out. I have suffered from severe anxiety and massive panic attacks since 2012 when I was discharged from the US army. Absolutley nothing was able to bring me relief other than Lorazepam. Would love to see if this works for me, thanks for sharing the information

Yeah @lunasvision, this one will not make you feel like you are on lorazepam, but it does something weird that stops the anxiety for a few hours, side-effects would be stomach issues and low-t...

I would not recommend a man to take large doses of this everyday, but
maybe a small dose every now and then or maybe a large dose once a week would
be okay, Im doing a collection on things I have tried, natural alternatives that help...

Check out the #ihaveanxietytoo for more info, on people who are dealing with anxiety and panic and how people are getting/have gotten better! And feel free to share your story!


@lunasvision... @naturalmedicine are running a challenge this fortnight about mental health and you might find some like minded souls there. I would also suggest the #ihaveanxietytoo tag.

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Resteemed by @resteembot! Good Luck!
Check @resteembot's introduction post or the other great posts I already resteemed.

Thanks resteembot!!!

You got a 34.61% upvote from @brupvoter courtesy of @friendly-fenix!

@resteemator is a new bot casting votes for its followers. Follow @resteemator and vote this comment to increase your chance to be voted in the future!

Another great stuff from my cool friend.
Thanks for sharing this with us, steem on!

Yeah, I hope this can help. But to be honest I would rather focus on more positive articles, but I know many people are struggling with these issues and so have I so I figured why not share some of my experience with the community... Specially in these times when all crypto is really low... =)
Thanks for your support @princeemmanuel!


I use inositol too. Not many people have heard of it. Great information, cheers.

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Thanks for your comment @riverflows!
Yeah it's a bit obscure, but it does the trick.
How did you first hear of it???


Doing a lot of research on anxiety. I asked my naturopath and she said yes for I added that to all the other things I was taking to help support my system.

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What kind of side-effects does it give you?
Do you take it everyday?
And at what doses?


I haven't noticed side effects. 1/4 tsp in the morning in water.

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1/4 tsp would not be so much...
No hormonal problems or unwanted changes?


Now that I think of it, I was having a tougher time when I was bleeding but I'm not sure if it was that or not. It's hard to say.. all I know is that I'm feeling better from a combo of things and I have stopped some and kept the st John's, Vit B and magnesium which has rhodiola in it, and Valerian at night and I've lost my jitters. I also stopped coffee so what you said about inositol and coffee makes a load of sense to me.

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Sounds like you found a great combo that helps you a lot! I should stop drinking coffee... Im such a fool I drink loads of coffee everyday, and then I complain online about being anxious... But with out coffee Im such a worthless zombie... Thanks for your comments and for sharing your experience, this really helped complete my article!!!


I've actually stopped taking it regularly mainly because I think the st John's wort has made the biggest difference.

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Oh, thats a good one @riverflows, for moderate-depression at least... A bit "dodgy" cause it is actually a quite potent MAO-inhibitor and I think it works kind of like a "Tricyclic antidepressant", or so I read somewhere...

So I guess you have to be a bit careful not to mix it with other medicine and certain supplements?!?


Yeah I made sure I followed naturopath advice. I wanted to get it right this time!!

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this was super good, i liked the info. i havent tried it but im not a coffee addict. if i get a little anxious or a lot anxious i use samE. i should do a post of the supplements ive used over the years and why. 🤗🌷

I never tried samE I heard some people benefit from it?
If I was a woman I would probably use inositol all the time...



@friendly-fenix yes it is amazing and i really should post about it because i took it for years and i can share when i use it now .. if i choose too

Cool @eaglespirit, do it, it would be interesting with a breakdown of the active ingredient...
And your experience... Etc etc... 👍


@friendly-fenix yes yes i will do it i willll ahahahha

He he... Your funny!


I guess we have a "funny stand-off" right here!



I keep a bottle in my backpack just incase. Sorry I forgot to mention previously. The stuff is great especially for people who have faster metabolisms or often experience hunger related stress. Good find bud!

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Thanks, please feel free to share any good information on natural alternatives, preferably OTC, or at least herbal/natural.
