On Cryptocurrency Apocalypse and The Right Approach To Blockchain Adoption

in #apocalypse6 years ago (edited)


The Blockchain as we know has been around for a period of twelve years, for those who are standing right times flies, for those who were caught in the wrond end , time seems to stand still

For those who are joined last year during the Crypto Boom , this year is a sharp contrast to what happened last year, the market is in reds and for the past few months , no one have had any hopes for Lambo , we are settling for Fiat

This post was inspired by yesterday post by @fisteganos where he asked the Steemit a thought provoking question

What will happen if Crypto dies ?

If you asked this question last year, the average Blockchain adopter will sneer at you and may use the term "nocoiner" at you, but in this present time, the perosn will most likely think twice. There is no hope as promises of the bull run has been shifting monthly all the way from March to August

Cryptos Og's who bought in the early years and who also experienced the previous bear market seasons are content to sit on twitter and chat , while noobs run around Reddit and Twitter looking for prophesies from people like Macfee

For those who have enjoyed the power of Cryptocurrencies, the thought that it could die is a very scary one, but the truth is that if Crypto dies the principles of the technology that powers it (blockchain) will never die. You can see what I mean by this in part of my reply to @fisteganos post below :

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@fisteganos also hinted the need for people in crypto to document their stories. I agreed with him because we won't achieve Blockchain adoption by marketing, we will achieve it by Story telling. let me explain what I mean

The Blockchain does not need marketers , what the Blockchain needs is Story Tellers, people who will be able to extract the best insights available in the Blockchain and use them to write thought provoking stories that will be shared online.

Don't tell people about how the Blockchain has come to bring decentralization and equity, they don't even know what that means. Have you tried describing the Blockchain to a layman? . How successful was that conversation ?

The thing with marketing is that it has a goal that entails people buying into something. And most people being Introduced the Blockchain are only told that if they invest they will gain significant results when the coin moons, and when things go wrong they see Cryptocurrencies as a sham - an upgraded ponzi scheme

I am an avid user of Twitter and over time I have studied the trending list. As you all know things that go viral are things that are massly shared by the users of a certain platform, and when you check you see that marketing content rarely get shared and it is an uphill task in getting it to go viral

The content by brands that go viral are those which were successfully able to integrate Story Telling. Marketing does not go viral and this is because it is not bent on delivering real value to the reader or viewer, it's aim is to get them to part with their Money


No matter who you are trying to attract to the Crypto Space you won't win them all over by telling them on how they can buy coins and sell it for a much higher price, the average man in the street does not even have Capital to start Investment with. @fisteganos told his own story of how Steemit enabled him purchase Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies

The same goe with me. I have never bought Crypto with Fiat, all the Crypto I bought and own were bought with my Steem earnings. And it is these stories that we share that has enabled a lot of people come onboard the Blockchain via Steem

The Stories we shared made them think. " If this guy can do it, so can I" . The level of entry was so low and understandable that they were able to come onboard Immediately. But this is not only about Steem, we are talking about the Blockchain as a whole

If you are Involved with the Blockchain in any way and you want to get people onboard. Don't Sell to them. Tell them stories. Learn to extract Insights from your own personal journey and use it express the value of the Blockchain through content

As an Entrepreneur or someone trying to build a personal brand on the Blockchain, this is the kind of content you should Invest in. People want you . They want to hear your stories your experiences , the things that you have learnt

I find out that people enagage with my content more, when I tell stories in it. When I write about the things that they face on a daily basis. The truth is that you don't have to be a guru to master Social Media, just be observant. I have always told people that the greatest skill that they can ever acquire is Pattern recognition

I know how I use social media, I know the things that appeal to me and the things that annoy me. I don't need any Google report to tell me that people hate pop up ads. I don't need any Google report to tell me that people rarely click links that take them outside Facebook or Instagram no matter how enticing the content is


Image Source

It is very few people that can comfortably click on links on your WhatsApp status. Each social Media platform has it's own psychology and if your don't tailor content to the Psychology of that platform, you will tend to have low enagagement. No one cares if you are a guru or a Lord in that field, if you don't understand what I am saying , go to Twitter and you will see people with thousands of followers get few engagement

Someone coming to Instagram is coming to view pictures, so give them pictures that communicate your Brand. Someone coming to Tumblr is coming to see exciting Gifs so give them that. Don't drop the link to a blog post on Instagram and think everyone will follow it.

The attention span on Social Media is very low and if you don't grab people attention fast, you will lose them to something else.

If you are not an entrepreneur and you want to connect to people you need to understand this. People don't just want to know what you do, they want to know how you do it. The steps you took to get to where you currently are, the lessons you have learnt so far.

They want to know how Mentorship helped you and how long it took you to figure 'it" out. I know this because this are the questions people always ask me whenever I get to sit with them

People like to work with people they can trust and they will patronize you if they can feel that you relate with them. They like common ground.

No matter how clever and tactical your marketing is, you will never connect with people in this way


Image Source

Somedays ago the FIAT handle on Instagram made this post and everyone in the Crypto world went into a frenzy. This post was able to go Viral because evreyone in the Crypto world were able to connect with it. It was a post of few words but the story telling behind it was powerful

And on closer Inspection I realised that it was a story that goes two ways

FIAT = Our dislike for the present monetary system

FIAT = Our preference for Lambos

People actually started making enquires about some FIAT car models right there in the post and they showed Interest in buying them. FIAT got customers and they did not even market anything , they just made a post that resonated with Blockchain adopters

Someone made apost on Reddit asking FIAT to build a special edition for Blockchain adopters called The Gold Standard that can be only purchased with Cryptocurrency

The road to Blockchain to Blockchain adoption is going to be paved with stories. Stories of changed lives and told by people who were given a shot of life that did not require them to jump through Hoops and wait in line

Stories that tell of our deliverance from the gatekeepers of the current economy

Thanks For Reading

All unsourced Images gotten from Pexels.com

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Follow @ogochukwu


Hi @ogochukwu

Thanks for sharing this inspiring article. I grabbed a whole lot of things from what you posted.

One of which is telling stories, i call it sharing your experience. Stories and experience is a powerful means of convincing people to do anything..

Again, very true. Branding is very important in trying to convince people. When we pass information the right way in different social media plartform, then we will see results.

Thanks for sharing @ogochukwu

Thanks for reading kingsley. Story telling is key in this movement.

I can’t quantify how happy I am to be going through this phase in the crypto space. At first, it was a shock like every departure from the norm. It was a strange feeling watching the value of your holdings reduce to almost nothing and it definitely took a while for it all to sink in. It is in this period I’ve been able to examine the flip side, compare both sides, and feel properly fortified for the coming years.

Many of us have experienced the power of crypto and blockchain and we should not cease to tell our stories. Don’t sell anything, just talk about yourself; who you were before and what difference is currently evident in your life.

The concept of blockchain and crypto can very easily be an uphill task for the outsiders and you’re right that storytelling can make this a lot easier!

Or maybe I’m just a biased storyteller 😆

When it comes to bias , what I have discovered that any story that you are telling online should be predicated on truth. We live in a era where people "bullsh*t radar " is way up.

If you are not totally honest they will find out eventually.

I understand what you mean by the lessons. What we have learnt in this space between December and now can't be taught in any investment school.

Steem On

You've said it all bro'. We ain't started yet if all we do is misuse the blockchain like we're used to for the past 12 years. TBH, it's all dumb money being put into cryptocurrency with few people ever understanding the tech behind these currencies (the blockchain), and what it really stands to achieve -all thanks to the guys pitching "Buy bitcoin, it's going to 100k tomorrow." on YouTube.

Today, due to the wrong notion we have floating around, there's a 90% chance that every new project on the blockchain will suffer token devaluation after being enlisted on an exchange. Why not? Turns out the people clamouring for your token could care less for the solutions it brings.

I preach Blockchain of value. Not of price speculations of coins. Without acknowledging the value, we wouldn't have any story to tell.

By value, I'm talking grassroots. Value far outlives the rants about faster transactions, tax evasion, anonymity or the total control of wealth.

As we embrace the technology, let's take the time to grasp the philosophy behind it. And then the value we draw from it will be even more meaningful for everyday use. Evident enough to Bloom into success-stories and see mainstream adoption.

We would Moon way faster by appreciation, and the stories.

What you said about the devaluation is totally true. A lot of coins that ran ICO's lately have suffered huge loses. the one that shocked many people was WanChain because it is a solid project.

People expected it to hold some ground.

Just like you, I don't tell people of Moon, I tell them whats possible if they are committed and work hard. The real value will come when we make use of the technology instead of pursuing Moon.

Thanks for the awesome comment.

Always welcome

@ogochukwu you said it all bruv! The blockchain has come to stay. To me, Crypto too has come to stay. I strongly share your views on this subject and in fact it resonates with my most recent post; https://steemit.com/busy/@mosunomotunde/musings-about-the-new-reality.

Story telling via social media as you have said here, is one of the most powerful tool especially in the "Post-Truth" Era. It's the best and easiest way to share your experience and pull the world's focus to your own brand.

Thanks for this incredible post love. You absolutely made my day!


I have gone through your post and I must say that is thoroughly enlightening . There are basic principles of Life which if understood will make it easier for us to have an understanding of the times.

Thanks for reading

I follow McAfee on Twitter for the comic relief he abundantly offers there :)
Anyone that follows his advice must be new to the cryptosphere :)
Just like I said in the post by @fisteganos, it is not going to die in the sense people are predicting. The death/apocalypse may just more of a metamorphosis same way a caterpillar blossom into the most beautiful butterfly. There will always be a form of digital currency that is not regulated as fiat currently is.

I agree with the metamorphosis and I believe that it is something we really need now. A lot of things are going wrong in this Space and we need a semblance of sanity.


Sanity, oftentimes, spells regulation. Something I'm sure many in the space do not want to hear :).

@ogochukwu you have been a good story teller, and with all indication that's how you survived.

Yes we have to tell our story, but it must be the right way, at the right time and the right place.

The problem we have is that we fell to communicate our stories from our write ups, then branding of ourselves.

Thanks for this reposition of mindset.

Is been inspiring reading through your posts.
Thanks @ogochukwu.

Wonderful post @ogochukwu. Stories are great marketing tools that resonate and connect with many people hence driving action. Crypto and blockchain enthusiasts should definitely tell more uplifting stories to encourage adoption.

I agree with you about the story telling, the blockchain is a ledger for keeping record of digital activities . Only stories would make it interesting for future users to peruse.

I also learned something vital from your post #the psychology of different social media. I honestly didnt have that perspective of yours until now.

Thanks for this lovely one @ogochukwu

Thanks for reading @antigenx and I was glad that you were able to learn something new.

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One thing i love about your blog post @ogochukwu is that you care about your readers, and thats why you always drop posts that is not just there to make a few steem, but to crate value, indeed you have recognized the patern of consumer relation. I had to read this word for word, truth be told, whenever someone asks me about steemit or crypto, its most atimes a long and dry conversation because i have not learned how to tell the success story of blockchain. I remember that i got into crypto because i said to myself, "if you can make it, i too can" . Of a truth, focusing only on moon day will leave one hopless and bitter, imagine if i had put all my trust that bitshares will moon..?

Thanks for this peace, it brought me back to this platform after a long while. Jisie ike Nwanne.