... words. It is the verbal crap that enjoys its heyday now. People believe in speaking a lot but when it comes to the execution of their nurtured ideas and thoughts, people fail miserably. 'The louder you speak the rubbish, the higher applause you will get'-is the sad reality of world nowadays.

Hello devkant79
This is an one time message to inform you about my existence.
My purpose it to support all seven77 members mainly by upvoting their posts.
In near future more functionalities will be added so every member of seven77 network can benefit with different ways.
Following me will auto-register you to my list and add you to the next day voting pool.
There are already 76 active members and they shared a total of $1.6127.
At the current time my full vote worth $0.0307 but with your help this can change.
Delegating power will increase my vote worth and your reward.
10SP, 20SP, 30SP, 50SP, 100SP, 250SP, 500SP, 1,000SP, 5,000SP, Custom Amount
Make sure you have at least 15 SP left on your account.
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