As we are on covdi19 challenge, I want you all to be attuned to the following po ...

in #appics5 years ago

... ints.
Always bear in mind that in this period of coronavirus pandemic that it's better to stay safe than to stay in the grave,please stay at home,staying at home is not to stay idle, worried, depressed, quarrelling and roaming about but to spend quality time Praying, reading your Bible and talking to God our best friend the man of everything possible.
It's equal time to be creative,to discover your gifts and talents, work from home, read good books and use your time wisely,it's also time to love one another, encourage those that has lost hope and always keep in touch with your loved ones living far away.
In addition to all this ensure to keep to world health organization (WHO)instructions such as:
.Always wash your hands
.make use of your sanitizer
.make use of your nosemask
.keep to social distance

Surly it'll come to pass,and it'll soon be a history and we must conquer by the grace of God.
Stay at home and stay safe....


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