
Hi Tony,

Sorry for the delay in contacting you, we won't be processing any lost keys before main net launch.

We also aim to check in with every user who has provided invalid data. From what I can see your data looks to be correct however a full evaluation will be performed before mainnet launch.

If you want to talk further I'm always available on discord @nannal#9474 or via email [email protected]

What are you referring to with regards to a "full evaluation"?

The a member of staff will review all submissions to ensure they are correct.

  1. Does the public key match the one sent in the memo
  2. Is the key a valid key
  3. Does the key differ from the one we have already associated with the account

If these three things are true we can be sure that the key provided is new, owned by the right person and will work as long as the owner has the corresponding private key.

I hope this clears things up for you.