Parisian Arcades, World Cities, Shopping Malls: Walter Benjamin's Perspective

in #arcadeslast year (edited)

The post discusses the similarities between 19th-century arcades and modern-day shopping malls.

"Wir haben«, sagt der illustrierte Pariser Führer, ein vollständiges
Gemälde der Seine-Stadt und ihrer Umgebungen vom Jahre 1852 (,) "bei den inneren Boulevards wiederholt der Passagen gedacht, die dahin ausmünden. Diese Passagen, eine neuere Erfindung des industriellen Luxus, sind glas gedeckte, marmorgeiäfelte Gänge durch ganze Häuserrnassen, deren Besitzer sich zu solchen
Spekulationen vereinigt haben. Zu beiden Seiten dieser Gänge, die ihr Licht von oben erhalten, laufen die elegantesten Warenläden hin, so daß eine solche Passage eine Stadt, eine Welt im Kleinen ist | Flaneur |, in der der Kauflustige alles finden wird, dessen er benötigt. Sie sind bei plötzlichen Regengüssen der Zufluchtsort aller Überraschten, denen sie eine gesicherte, wenn auch beengte Promenade gewähren, bei der die Verkäufer auch ihren Vorteil finden.« | Wetter |
Diese Stelle ist der löcus classicus für die Darstellung der Passagen, denn aus ihr entspinnen sich nicht allein die divagations über den Flaneur und das Wetter, sondern auch was über die Bauweise der Passagen in wirtschaftlicher und architektonischer Hinsicht zu sagen ist, könnte hier seine Stelle finden" (Benjamin, 1991).

"The passage quoted above describes the arcades, a type of covered passageway that was a recent invention of industrial luxury in the mid-19th century. The arcades were characterized by glass roofs, marble paneling, and elegant shops lining both of these commercial establishments. The arcades were not just a functional built structure but also an environment for the symbolic expression via consumption and sauntering of social status and refinement. Customers found everything they needed within the arcade, and during sudden rain showers, the arcades were a place of refuge for the unprepared” (OpenAI, 2023).

"From this perspective, shopping malls in global cities might be considered a modern-day version of the arcades described in the passage. Like the arcades, shopping malls are indoor spaces designed for leisure and retail purposes. They offer a sheltered, climate-controlled environment that provides a secure and comfortable shopping experience for their diverse customers. In the present period, shopping malls feature a variety of shops, restaurants, and entertainment options, all conveniently located within a single complex. Just as the arcades were a symbol of luxury and refinement in the 19th century, in existing and emergent global cities shopping malls can be seen as a status symbol and a reflection of modern consumer culture” (OpenAI, 2023).

"From an economic and architectural perspective, shopping malls are also significant. They are typically built as large-scale landmark projects that require significant investment and collaboration among multiple stakeholders. The design, architecture and construction of shopping malls involve considerations such as site selection, zoning, financing, and environmental impact. The architectural planning of shopping malls often incorporates innovative design elements, such as natural light, water features, and greenery hotspots, to create an inviting and visually appealing environment for shoppers” (OpenAI, 2023).

"While the arcades of the 19th century may have been a recent invention of industrial luxury, shopping malls have become a modern-day equivalent. Both offer a comfortable, controlled space for customers to shop, socialize, and be entertained. Shopping malls are also significant from an economic and architectural perspective, reflecting the complex collaboration and innovation required to create such large-scale, landscape-defining projects” (OpenAI, 2023).

Edited by Pablo Markin


Benjamin, Walter. Gesammelte Schriften, V, 1. Ed. Rolf Tiedemann. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1991. P. 83.

OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT. [Large language model]. Retrieved from