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RE: BioShock Infinite Fan Art: Elizabeth
I kind of vaguely remember that character from watching one of the boys playing through the Bioshock games XD Did you model her with the missing pinky or does the Elizabeth Comstock version manage to magically regrow it?
So there's a bit in the game that's kind of noir then going from the black and white?
And I can totally believe that entire model came from a cube, my Base base model was made from a cube XD (the rest of the base models then came from that Base model) Back before sculpting was a thing and I had to edge model the pez dispenser phase always cracked me up XD Now I sculpt everything from a sphere in 3dC (same but different XD).

Did your boys like the game? :>
I actually modelled the little metallic thing she put on her missing pinky, but stopped midway because of her pose, it won't be visible anyway.
There is a little bit of a noir film atmosphere in the beginning of the game. After that, the only thing about that bit is only her appearance (and behaviour).
Yeah, for us 3d artists it's nothing to be surprised about. But my friend is someone who's rarely touch a computer, so, yeah, his reaction was getting more and more annoying with each "that's not possible" that came out of his snarky mouth XD
That's the fun part of 3d arting, really. Sculpt and model stuff from scratch, unless I have a deadline...or feel like basing all my characters with that one base model that just happen to be so good somehow XD