Submerged in my coffee / Create a Drawing for Sketchbook Saturday [@critday + @archisteem contest 7]
I was inspired to make this drawing, one of the many nights I work late in front of the computer, I felt as if I was immersed in it, the stupor was so deep that it hypnotized me as if I was daydreaming, without a sense of time, the sketch culminated.
Drawing process

hey, cool, its a really good draw.
Thanks for appreciating my work!
Que hermosa chicaaaa 😍😍
La amé 😍
Thanks my friend @jordangerder !! :3
Me enamore de la chica. :3
Thanks friend!!!
Interesting drawing metaphor.
Thanks for visiting my post !!!
Your welcome. It was enjoyable, as always.
increible tu imaginación creativa, amiga te felicito este dibujo expresa mucho del tema de sumergirse en una tarea, sigue adelante.
Gracias amigo por estas palabras en realidad me motivan!!!